#+Options: ^:{} * Org babel function for Google Maps browser Here I simplify the previous Google maps function to simply demonstrate the recovery of entry properties. #+NAME: gmb #+HEADER: :var geo_var=(or (org-entry-get org-babel-current-exec-src-block-head "geo") "4.56,7.89") #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results silent (format "geo_var is %s" geo_var) #+END_SRC * example of a geo location, realistic to try out :PROPERTIES: :geo: 4.56,7.89 :END: - call_gmb() =geo_var is 4.56,7.89= - interactively (type C-c on "call_gmb") visualize the current geo location on Google Maps with a marker and as "map" in the browser * another geo location :PROPERTIES: :geo: 4.44,5.55 :END: - call_gmb() =geo_var is 4.44,5.55= - visualize another geo location as "terrain"