Hello all, I’ve pushed an update to my branch. The major change is to use citeproc-java for the generation of the bibliography and the parsing of names. The former is straightforward. For the latter, I have created a CSL file which outputs author-year citations in an easy-to-parse format. These are then slurped by org, and used to fill in printf-style templates. Some people mentioned using citations as generated by citeproc-java directly. However, I don’t believe this is reliable since (as also mentioned), it is difficult to control whether a certain style uses parentheses around a citation or not, whether the citation is capitalized*, the insertion of prefixes/suffixes within the parentheses, etc. So I think the only solution is to implement the formatting of the in-text portion of citations ourselves, and use citeproc-java only to extract authors and years. * NB neither my branch nor the parser currently handles capitalized citations either. Using citeproc gives us for free sophisticated disambiguation of authors that share a last name (by adding first initial) or works by the same author in the same year (by adding a letter suffix to the year). My code still does not implement numeric or footnote citations. It’s hard to keep straight all of the traffic in citation-related threads. I’ll try to respond to what I see as the major points raised, but I apologize if I inadvertently skip something. Some people have talked about supporting other CSL processors. I don’t see much utility in that, since CSL is a standard that all processors should implement faithfully. I judge the java implementation to be the most complete and cross-platform. With respect to Zotero, it is possible, through the “lookup” facility I’ve implemented, to implement fetching of bibliography data from Zotero. I merely do not want to talk to Zotero (or other tools) for the *formatting* of the data. Rasmus writes about the insertion of punctuation by biblatex. I’ve noticed it too, and it’s a thorny problem. Perhaps the best and easiest solution is to say that org-latex documents must do \renewcommand{\postnotedelim}{} in their preamble. (Thanks also to Rasmus for discussion of points I raised in previous mails about reftex and org syntax. I have no specific reply but the responses were all extremely helpful. I haven’t had time to act on any of them because I’ve been concentrating on citeproc support.) I haven’t updated the branch to the new multicitation syntax yet, but thanks as always to Nicolas for working on it. I think that is next on my list, along with getting biblatex support completely ironed out. I have not had much time to study Vaidheeswaran’s jabref integration code. In any case I would be hesitant to do so until there is confirmation of the code’s copyright status, since he(?) sometimes posts to the mailing list using an email address belonging to Jambunathan, who at some points in the past was not willing to provide copyright assignment. However, it would be good to know: 1. Is any important functionality lost by using citeproc-java as the CSL processor, rather than jabref? 2. Is it possible to support for implement importing citations from jabref through the “lookup types” facility in my code? 3. How are citations formatted for export to ODT? An example of the ODT/XML code for something like “as demonstrated by Smith (2015)”, where “Smith (2015)” has whatever fancy formatting a citation is expected to have in ODT, would be helpful. I’m sorry that I do not have enough time to both work on the code and participate very much in the discussion. But reading it has been quite helpful to me in creating the code, so thank you all. Finally, the attachments demonstrate the output from ascii export of a sample document + bibliography (in org-bibtex format).