Note that, after I made the other changes, the links scattered around the page clashed very badly with the nice "Org green" and black theme, so I adjusted them as well (as detailed in the commit message). I tried using "Org green" for the link text, but it seemed too low-contrast, as well as a bit distracting while reading, so I opted to use colorize just the underlines, and to make the link text green when hovering. Note as well that I ended up using 48em for the content width due to the unicorn logo in the corner being covered up by wider content than that (in a half-1080p-width browser window, which seems like an important use case to consider). And I left the H1 header black rather than green, because it didn't seem to stand out enough as the page heading when it was also green. Hopefully these changes are acceptable, but they can always be further adjusted if necessary. :) -- Thanks, Adam