Hello, I am exploring org-mode's potential for collaborative editing, and I found that the main difficulty with this is that different users editing the same document may have different org-mode configurations. Most of the important options that I have found so far can be dealt with by setting buffer-local values on the file to be jointly edited. One that could not was org-log-note-headings. I found that this is because when its value is taken, in org-store-log-note, the current buffer is the "*Org Note*" buffer, rather than the document buffer. A patch is attached that addresses this. Note, for clarity's sake, the patch does not reindent org-store-log-note. As an aside, I do realize that org-log-note-headings is a somewhat fragile variable, with some known problems (with agenda, iirc) associated with changing its value. However, I do find it useful to change its value for my use, and this patch will obviate one little difficulty with collaborative editing. Thank you, John Foerch