On Thursday, 14 Jun 2018 at 16:40, Loris Bennett wrote: > Hi, > > For a beamer slide I'd like to have a 2D array of a single PNG-image > (the single image is a desktop computer, the array is intended to > represent a cluster of computers). I could presumably just create a > LaTeX table and include the image in each cell. This is what I did in a recent (well, 3 years ago now) talk. I had a 4 column table where each entry in odd numbered rows was an image and the even numbered rows were captions for the image above each caption. I had this line just before the table: #+attr_latex: :align p{2.25cm}p{2.25cm}p{2.25cm}p{2.25cm} :font \tiny The image links were file:xxx.png with no description element. Worked perfectly fine. Screenshot of part of the slide attached for illustration.