Ciao a tutti, I have this error trying to publish my project that worked fine: Loading /home/leandro/.org-timestamps/Blog.cache...done Publishing file /home/leandro/Desktop/Documenti/org/ using `org-html-publish-to-html' org-html-publish-to-html: Wrong number of arguments: #[(format plist filename pub-dir) "ÆÇ!ˆÈ!„ÉÊ\"ˆË !ŠÌ †Í !!ˆÎÊ BBp`Ï Ð ÑÒ!ˆÓÔ!P!Õ Ö\" ÐÕ ×\"% Ø !ƒjÙ !ƒj qˆÑÚ!ˆÛ ƒeÜ ˆÝ !ˆ qˆÛ !ƒ€Þ ˆcˆÜ ˆbˆ ?…ˆÝ !.‡" [pub-dir filename visiting plist init-buf init-point require org file-exists-p make-directory ...] 7 ("/usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/org/org-publish.elc" . 18806)], 5 The relevant part og my .emacs is: (setq org-publish-project-alist '(("Blog" :base-directory "~/Desktop/Documenti/org/" :publishing-directory "~/Desktop/Blog/" :base-extension "org" :section-numbers nil :table-of-contents nil :include ("") :exclude ".*" :tasks nil :author "Leandro Noferini" :email "" :link-up nil :convert-org-links t :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html ) What's wrong? -- leandro http://6xukrlqedfabdjrb.onion