* Bugs ** SOMEDAY org-mode bug with tangle and newlines :PROPERTIES: :created: [2011-06-30 Thu 10:00] :ID: e4c992b5-4d35-443b-b34a-0fbda7c66aea :END: :LOGBOOK: - Added on [2011-06-30 Thu 10:00] :END: [2011-06-30 Thu] A regression bug has surfaced in org-mode with the tangle/weave process mangling the following setup: #+begin_src perl :noweb yes :tangle testoutput.pl :shebang #!perl # <> print "Hello world\n"; #+end_src #+srcname: generated-from #+begin_src text :noweb yes Generated from <> version <>. #+end_src #+srcname: file-name #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var file=(buffer-file-name) (file-name-nondirectory file) #+end_src #+results: file-version : The last it worked* was sometime in the early 7.4 timeframe. If I get some time, I may do a bisect on it, although others are welcome to do the work required. Timeframe is based on memory, not actual checking, so first a bisect needs to be done to find where it last worked.