Hi Marco > Uwe Brauer writes: > I use the following function occasionally. Possibly it helps in your case. > (defun mw-org-table-mark-column () > "Mark the column containing point." > (interactive) > (unless (org-at-table-p) (user-error "Not at a table")) > (org-table-find-dataline) > (org-table-check-inside-data-field) > (let* ((col (org-table-current-column)) > (beg (org-table-begin)) > (end (org-table-end))) > (goto-char beg) > (org-table-goto-column col) > (re-search-backward "|" nil t) > (push-mark) > (goto-char (1- end)) > (org-table-goto-column (1+ col)) > (re-search-backward "|" nil t) > (exchange-point-and-mark) > (forward-char))) very nice, !!! > Copy a column would be: > 1. Put the cursor into that column. > 2. M-x mw-org-table-mark-column > 3. Move the cursor onto the |. E.g. { C-b }. > 4. M-x copy-rectangle-as-kill > 5. Move the cursor to a suitable position in the first line of the table. > 6. M-x yank-rectangle > BTW rectangle-mark-mode -- possibly activated with { C-x SPC } -- can > help with the copy and yank in this case. Right, I completely forgot that mode! Thanks > HTH, very much so. Why not include the code into master? Uwe