> By closed date interval, I assume you mean "--". That is > mentioned in 8.1 of the manual. It's header is "Time/Date range", but it > only talks about dates (no times) including in the example. Handling of date intervals when TIME1/2 have time specifications is undefined behaviour for now. And I am not in favour of making it defined - we may consider using this semantics to define repeater intervals with end date in future. That would allow what you attempted to do in the original email, but using <2023-06-05 Mon 10:30-12:15>--<2023-06-08 Thu> semantics. See https://orgmode.org/list/877cxp1fbx.fsf@localhost > If times are allowed, then the paragraph could include a time example. > If not, then the header should be changed and "timestamp" should be > changed to "datestamp". No. The same section talks about time range: <2006-11-02 Thu 10:00-12:00> "Timestamp" is the general term we use. We make it explicit in the parent section that timestamps may or may not have time specification: A timestamp is a specification of a date (possibly with a time) in a special format, either =<2003-09-16 Tue>= or =<2003-09-16 Tue 09:39>= -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode contributor, Learn more about Org mode at . Support Org development at , or support my work at