Łukasz Stelmach wrote: >David Maus writes: >> Łukasz Stelmach wrote: >>>The other one helps if for some reason the file one would like to add >>>matches an entry in a .gitignore file. I suppose no one puts anything in >>>the org-attach-directory by hand, so anything that goes there is by >>>intention. >>>http://github.com/steelman/steelman-org-mode/commit/8ade081fd5a331cc61f8f8a6f8cf5a92ff8881d5 >> >> I'd like to be this customizable: I do have LaTeX files as attachments >> and don't want the logs etc. be added to the git repository. >Do they get created org-attach-directory? Yes, they do. >> In addition one might explicitly include the content of attachment >> directories using the negating operator in .gitignore. >This might be a better solution indeed. Yep. Though about it: Using the -f switch overrides any configuration of git a user may have made in a system wide, user or repository specific gitignore -- that shouldn't be turned on by default or even enforced in the source. >I'll investigate it a little bit closer. Just an idea: Why not add hooks that are called after certain attachment operations (add, remove, update)? This way we could decouple a (specific) use of git or even of git itself. Some other thing: As far as I understood the source an error while synchronizing the attachment directory is indiciated in the "*Shell Command Output*" buffer and the miniprompt. I'm not sure if this should be considered sufficient or not. HTH -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... dmjena@jabber.org Email..... maus.david@gmail.com