Hi, some time ago, I showed a screenshot how I am using Org-Mode to manage my mastodon status updates (posts/toos) [1] and I got some direct messages about sharing my elisp functions and I publicly [2] stated that the code is not production ready, but I will rework this. Sorry - it took a bit too long but with that mail, I want to share my defun's with you. First and most important, I do think that using [3] mastodon.el is way better than using my elisp functions. However, when you're interested in a handful, very small functions to post to mastodon, and manage them with org-mode, you may have a look at the attached file. Or someone is interested in polishing things up and adding an org-contrib package for this? My process: - Use org-capture to create a new mastodon status update (at least, tag it with :toot:) - Write a message - add images with "attachment:/" URLs. Those images will be uploaded as media and integrated in the status update - call `x/mastodon-post' - after success, PROPERTIES will be added like Mastodon ID, URL/URI and Media IDs - optionally, create a single-file Post with the org-dispatch interface (this is a custom export backend that is not included with this email, check [4] for further details how to set things up) A reply to an existing mastodon post is sent when a Mastodon_ID is found in the properties drawer one level above. This is what that looks like with my setup: Currently, I do have one dependency (requests.el). I would have loved to remove this and use url-retireve-synchronously but I were not able to upload binary data with it. If anyone has an idea on that, please check out [5]. Please note: I bcc'ed to mastodon Users who replied to the thread/direct messaged me and I was able to derive an email address - so they get some form of follow up notification on this. [1] https://x.bch.at/@bch/111659014415841582 [2] https://x.bch.at/@bch/111659254718879041 [3] https://codeberg.org/martianh/mastodon.el [4] https://orgmode.org/manual/Adding-Export-Back_002dends.html [5] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-gnu-emacs/2024-03/msg00182.html -- Christian Barthel