"Sebastien Vauban" writes: > You mean bbdb-autoloads? No, bbdb-loaddefs.el is part of bbdb3. Here is the instructions from the README file: 4) Activate BBDB: i) If the BBDB lisp files are in a directory "/path/to/bbdb/lisp" you can use in your emacs init file (require 'bbdb-loaddefs "/path/to/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-loaddefs.el") This adds "/path/to/bbdb/lisp" to the load-path; so it is all you need to make BBDB known to your Emacs. ii) The user variable bbdb-print-tex-path should point to the directory where the BBDB TeX files reside (default /usr/local/share/bbdb). Charles -- "World domination. Fast" (By Linus Torvalds)