Hello, As I want to write some documentation with org-mode, I'm looking for a way to manage an list of files in which org-mode will look for links, or better, a list or directory to scan. For example: - in file1.org, I link something like [[file:file2.org::#some-point][some point in some file]] - in file2.org I have a property "CUSTOM_ID: some-point" somewhere. If I reorganize my documentation and move file2.org in some subdirectory, like examples/file2.org, I would like to avoid changing all the references to "file2::#some-point". Maybe a link like [[search:PATH::SOMETHING]], with SOMETHING like in search-options[1]. We could define a per-org file PATH, with something like "#+LINK_SEARCH_PATH: path1, path2, ..." Any idea about this issue? Regards. Footnotes: [1] http://orgmode.org/manual/Search-options.html#Search-options -- Daniel Dehennin Récupérer ma clef GPG: gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x6A2540D1