* A simple org tangle and weave makefile
@ 2014-06-10 23:47 Grant Rettke
2014-06-12 19:54 ` Eric Schulte
2014-06-19 12:47 ` Fabrice Niessen
0 siblings, 2 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Grant Rettke @ 2014-06-10 23:47 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
My goals was to have a simple makefile to tangle and weave a document;
so org-mk was out of scope.
Just wondering; how could I have done it better?
$(INIT): TC3F.org
time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
--find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-babel-tangle --kill
TC3F.html: $(INIT)
time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
--find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-html-export-to-html --kill
rm $(INIT)
rm TC3F.html
Kind regards,
Grant Rettke | AAAS, ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM, Sigma Xi
gcr@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
taking it seriously.” --ThompsonH
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* Re: A simple org tangle and weave makefile
2014-06-10 23:47 A simple org tangle and weave makefile Grant Rettke
@ 2014-06-12 19:54 ` Eric Schulte
2014-06-19 1:17 ` Grant Rettke
2014-07-04 15:26 ` Rainer M Krug
2014-06-19 12:47 ` Fabrice Niessen
1 sibling, 2 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Eric Schulte @ 2014-06-12 19:54 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Grant Rettke; +Cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 678 bytes --]
Grant Rettke <gcr@wisdomandwonder.com> writes:
> Hi,
> My goals was to have a simple makefile to tangle and weave a document;
> so org-mk was out of scope.
> Just wondering; how could I have done it better?
> ##########
> INIT=.emacs.el
> $(INIT): TC3F.org
> time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
> --find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-babel-tangle --kill
> TC3F.html: $(INIT)
> time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
> --find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-html-export-to-html --kill
> clean:
> rm $(INIT)
> rm TC3F.html
> ##########
> Kind regards,
I don't know if this is better, but its closer to what I use locally.
[-- Warning: decoded text below may be mangled, UTF-8 assumed --]
[-- Attachment #2: Makefile --]
[-- Type: text/x-make, Size: 567 bytes --]
BATCH_EMACS=$(EMACS) --batch -Q -l init.el
%.html: %.org
$(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-html-export-to-html
%.tex: %.org init.el
$(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-latex-export-to-latex
%.el: %.org init.el
$(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-babel-tangle
# two fancier alternatives to the above which provide a default file
# name and encode language information
%.el: %.org init.el
$(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org \
--eval '(org-babel-tangle nil "$@" (quote emacs-lisp))'
%.sh: %.org init.el
$(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org \
--eval '(org-babel-tangle nil "$@" (quote bash))'
[-- Attachment #3: Type: text/plain, Size: 418 bytes --]
> Grant Rettke | AAAS, ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM, Sigma Xi
> gcr@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
> “Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
> ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
> “Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
> taking it seriously.” --ThompsonH
Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D (see https://u.fsf.org/yw)
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* Re: A simple org tangle and weave makefile
2014-06-12 19:54 ` Eric Schulte
@ 2014-06-19 1:17 ` Grant Rettke
2014-07-04 15:26 ` Rainer M Krug
1 sibling, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Grant Rettke @ 2014-06-19 1:17 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Eric Schulte; +Cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
I see. Thank you.
Grant Rettke | ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM
gcr@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
taking it seriously.” --Thompson
On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 2:54 PM, Eric Schulte <schulte.eric@gmail.com> wrote:
> Grant Rettke <gcr@wisdomandwonder.com> writes:
>> Hi,
>> My goals was to have a simple makefile to tangle and weave a document;
>> so org-mk was out of scope.
>> Just wondering; how could I have done it better?
>> ##########
>> INIT=.emacs.el
>> $(INIT): TC3F.org
>> time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
>> --find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-babel-tangle --kill
>> TC3F.html: $(INIT)
>> time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
>> --find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-html-export-to-html --kill
>> clean:
>> rm $(INIT)
>> rm TC3F.html
>> ##########
>> Kind regards,
> I don't know if this is better, but its closer to what I use locally.
>> Grant Rettke | AAAS, ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM, Sigma Xi
>> gcr@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
>> “Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
>> ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
>> “Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
>> taking it seriously.” --ThompsonH
> --
> Eric Schulte
> https://cs.unm.edu/~eschulte
> PGP: 0x614CA05D (see https://u.fsf.org/yw)
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* Re: A simple org tangle and weave makefile
2014-06-10 23:47 A simple org tangle and weave makefile Grant Rettke
2014-06-12 19:54 ` Eric Schulte
@ 2014-06-19 12:47 ` Fabrice Niessen
1 sibling, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Fabrice Niessen @ 2014-06-19 12:47 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: emacs-orgmode-mXXj517/zsQ
Hello Grant,
Grant Rettke wrote:
> My goals was to have a simple makefile to tangle and weave a document;
> so org-mk was out of scope.
If you're talking of Orgmk (on https://github.com/fniessen/orgmk),
please know that I've add a new standalone script `org-tangle'.
Just redo a `make install' so that a symlink [1] gets created to it.
For weaving, you already there are:
- org2html [OPTION] FILE
- org2latex [OPTION] FILE
- org2pdf [OPTION] FILE
- org2beamerpdf [OPTION] FILE
- org2odt [OPTION] FILE
- org2txt [OPTION] FILE
Best regards,
[1] Works in Windows too (that's my platform) with Cygwin.
Fabrice Niessen
Leuven, Belgium
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* Re: A simple org tangle and weave makefile
2014-06-12 19:54 ` Eric Schulte
2014-06-19 1:17 ` Grant Rettke
@ 2014-07-04 15:26 ` Rainer M Krug
2014-07-06 7:11 ` Grant Rettke
1 sibling, 1 reply; 7+ messages in thread
From: Rainer M Krug @ 2014-07-04 15:26 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Eric Schulte; +Cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org, Grant Rettke
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 3474 bytes --]
Following an older thread.
I would like to use a make file to export my document, and I am
essentially following Eric's suggestion. But I have some problems which
I did not manage to solve:
html: I would like to have syntax highlighting in the document, but I
don't manage. I have added the following
| ;;Initialization of my org version
| ;; Enable org languages
| (org-babel-do-load-languages
| 'org-babel-load-languages
| '((R . t)
| (latex . t)
| (sh . t)
| (plantuml . t)
| (emacs-lisp . t)
| ))
| ;; Setup org-ref
| (require 'reftex-cite)
| (require 'dash)
| (org-babel-load-file "~/.emacs.d/org-ref/org-ref.org")
| (setq reftex-default-bibliography '("~/Documents/Mendeley/bibliography.bib"))
| (setq org-ref-default-bibliography '("~/Documents/Mendeley/bibliography.bib"))
| (setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
to a minimal init.el which I use to initialize the emacs session using
the following in the make file:
| PROJECT=prodMixStands
| EMACS=emacs
| BATCH_EMACS=$(EMACS) --batch -Q --no-desktop -l ~/.emacs.d/init.minimal.el
| html:
| $(BATCH_EMACS) $(PROJECT).org -f org-html-export-to-html
The result is still without syntax highlighting - what am I missing?
Eric Schulte <schulte.eric@gmail.com> writes:
> Grant Rettke <gcr@wisdomandwonder.com> writes:
>> Hi,
>> My goals was to have a simple makefile to tangle and weave a document;
>> so org-mk was out of scope.
>> Just wondering; how could I have done it better?
>> ##########
>> INIT=.emacs.el
>> $(INIT): TC3F.org
>> time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
>> --find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-babel-tangle --kill
>> TC3F.html: $(INIT)
>> time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
>> --find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-html-export-to-html --kill
>> clean:
>> rm $(INIT)
>> rm TC3F.html
>> ##########
>> Kind regards,
> I don't know if this is better, but its closer to what I use locally.
> EMACS=emacs
> BATCH_EMACS=$(EMACS) --batch -Q -l init.el
> %.html: %.org
> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-html-export-to-html
> %.tex: %.org init.el
> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-latex-export-to-latex
> %.el: %.org init.el
> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-babel-tangle
> # two fancier alternatives to the above which provide a default file
> # name and encode language information
> %.el: %.org init.el
> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org \
> --eval '(org-babel-tangle nil "$@" (quote emacs-lisp))'
> %.sh: %.org init.el
> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org \
> --eval '(org-babel-tangle nil "$@" (quote bash))'
>> Grant Rettke | AAAS, ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM, Sigma Xi
>> gcr@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
>> “Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
>> ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
>> “Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
>> taking it seriously.” --ThompsonH
Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)
Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa
Tel : +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell: +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax : +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44
Fax (D): +49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44
email: Rainer@krugs.de
Skype: RMkrug
PGP: 0x0F52F982
[-- Attachment #2: Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 494 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* Re: A simple org tangle and weave makefile
2014-07-04 15:26 ` Rainer M Krug
@ 2014-07-06 7:11 ` Grant Rettke
2014-07-07 16:37 ` Syntax highlighting on export to html with minimal init.el WAS: " Rainer M Krug
0 siblings, 1 reply; 7+ messages in thread
From: Grant Rettke @ 2014-07-06 7:11 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Rainer M Krug; +Cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org, Eric Schulte
I think that I ran into the same thing and someone else explained that
the htmlize package
is required to get syntax highlighting on export.
| (require 'htmlize)
Grant Rettke | ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM
gcr@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
taking it seriously.” --Thompson
On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Rainer M Krug <Rainer@krugs.de> wrote:
> Following an older thread.
> I would like to use a make file to export my document, and I am
> essentially following Eric's suggestion. But I have some problems which
> I did not manage to solve:
> html: I would like to have syntax highlighting in the document, but I
> don't manage. I have added the following
> ,----
> | ;;Initialization of my org version
> | ;; Enable org languages
> | (org-babel-do-load-languages
> | 'org-babel-load-languages
> | '((R . t)
> | (latex . t)
> | (sh . t)
> | (plantuml . t)
> | (emacs-lisp . t)
> | ))
> |
> | ;; Setup org-ref
> | (require 'reftex-cite)
> | (require 'dash)
> | (org-babel-load-file "~/.emacs.d/org-ref/org-ref.org")
> | (setq reftex-default-bibliography '("~/Documents/Mendeley/bibliography.bib"))
> | (setq org-ref-default-bibliography '("~/Documents/Mendeley/bibliography.bib"))
> |
> | (setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
> `----
> to a minimal init.el which I use to initialize the emacs session using
> the following in the make file:
> ,----
> | PROJECT=prodMixStands
> | EMACS=emacs
> | BATCH_EMACS=$(EMACS) --batch -Q --no-desktop -l ~/.emacs.d/init.minimal.el
> | html:
> | $(BATCH_EMACS) $(PROJECT).org -f org-html-export-to-html
> `----
> The result is still without syntax highlighting - what am I missing?
> Thanks
> Rainer
> Eric Schulte <schulte.eric@gmail.com> writes:
>> Grant Rettke <gcr@wisdomandwonder.com> writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> My goals was to have a simple makefile to tangle and weave a document;
>>> so org-mk was out of scope.
>>> Just wondering; how could I have done it better?
>>> ##########
>>> INIT=.emacs.el
>>> $(INIT): TC3F.org
>>> time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
>>> --find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-babel-tangle --kill
>>> TC3F.html: $(INIT)
>>> time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
>>> --find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-html-export-to-html --kill
>>> clean:
>>> rm $(INIT)
>>> rm TC3F.html
>>> ##########
>>> Kind regards,
>> I don't know if this is better, but its closer to what I use locally.
>> EMACS=emacs
>> BATCH_EMACS=$(EMACS) --batch -Q -l init.el
>> %.html: %.org
>> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-html-export-to-html
>> %.tex: %.org init.el
>> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-latex-export-to-latex
>> %.el: %.org init.el
>> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-babel-tangle
>> # two fancier alternatives to the above which provide a default file
>> # name and encode language information
>> %.el: %.org init.el
>> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org \
>> --eval '(org-babel-tangle nil "$@" (quote emacs-lisp))'
>> %.sh: %.org init.el
>> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org \
>> --eval '(org-babel-tangle nil "$@" (quote bash))'
>>> Grant Rettke | AAAS, ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM, Sigma Xi
>>> gcr@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
>>> “Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
>>> ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
>>> “Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
>>> taking it seriously.” --ThompsonH
> --
> Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)
> Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
> Stellenbosch University
> South Africa
> Tel : +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
> Cell: +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
> Fax : +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44
> Fax (D): +49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44
> email: Rainer@krugs.de
> Skype: RMkrug
> PGP: 0x0F52F982
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
* Syntax highlighting on export to html with minimal init.el WAS: A simple org tangle and weave makefile
2014-07-06 7:11 ` Grant Rettke
@ 2014-07-07 16:37 ` Rainer M Krug
0 siblings, 0 replies; 7+ messages in thread
From: Rainer M Krug @ 2014-07-07 16:37 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Grant Rettke; +Cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org, Eric Schulte
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 7431 bytes --]
Grant Rettke <gcr@wisdomandwonder.com> writes:
> I think that I ran into the same thing and someone else explained that
> the htmlize package
> is required to get syntax highlighting on export.
OK - I realized that I had syntax highlighting even without htmlize -
but only in black and white, i.e. underlined, bold, etc.
But not for R (although I guess the reason is the black and white, as
the block is shown as R). For emacs-lisp and makefile, I have the bold,
underlined, ... but also no color.
below find my minimal init.el which I call with the make file below
| * Minimal init.el file for makefile usage
| :comments: no
| :header-args+: :tangle ./init.el
| :header-args+: :comments yes
| :header-args+: :eval never
| :END:
| ** Load up Org Mode and Org Babel for elisp embedded in Org Mode files
| #+begin_src emacs-lisp
| (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp")
| (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/org-mode/contrib/lisp")
| #+end_src
| ** load up Org-mode and Org-babel
| #+begin_src emacs-lisp
| (require 'org)
| #+end_src
| ** Package initialization
| #+begin_src emacs-lisp
| (package-initialize)
| (require 'cask "/usr/local/opt/cask/cask.el")
| (cask-initialize)
| (require 'pallet)
| #+end_src
| ** Enable org languages
| #+begin_src emacs-lisp
| (org-babel-do-load-languages
| 'org-babel-load-languages
| '((R . t)
| (latex . t)
| (sh . t)
| (plantuml . t)
| (emacs-lisp . t)
| ))
| #+end_src
| ** Setup org-ref
| #+begin_src emacs-lisp
| (require 'reftex-cite)
| (require 'dash)
| (org-babel-load-file "~/.emacs.d/org-ref/org-ref.org")
| (setq reftex-default-bibliography '("~/Documents/Mendeley/bibliography.bib"))
| (setq org-ref-default-bibliography '("~/Documents/Mendeley/bibliography.bib"))
| #+end_src
| ** enable fontified code export to html
| #+begin_src emacs-lisp
| ;; (require 'htmlize)
| (setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
| #+end_src
| ** Enable fontified code export to LaTeX / pdf
| #+begin_src emacs-lisp
| (setq org-latex-listings t)
| (add-to-list 'org-latex-packages-alist '("" "listings"))
| (add-to-list 'org-latex-packages-alist '("" "color"))
| #+end_src
and here is the extract of the makefile I use which contains the export
to html:
| PROJECT=prodMixStands
| EMACS=emacs
| BATCH_EMACS=$(EMACS) --batch -Q -l ./init.el
| html: prodMixStands.org
| $(info ===============)
| $(info Exporting to html)
| $(info *** DOES NOT EXPORT PROPERLY ***)
| $(info ===============)
| $(BATCH_EMACS) $(PROJECT).org -f org-html-export-to-html
| open $(PROJECT).html
Any suggestions what I am missing?
> ,----
> | (require 'htmlize)
> `----
> Grant Rettke | ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM
> gcr@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
> “Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
> ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
> “Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
> taking it seriously.” --Thompson
> On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Rainer M Krug <Rainer@krugs.de> wrote:
>> Following an older thread.
>> I would like to use a make file to export my document, and I am
>> essentially following Eric's suggestion. But I have some problems which
>> I did not manage to solve:
>> html: I would like to have syntax highlighting in the document, but I
>> don't manage. I have added the following
>> ,----
>> | ;;Initialization of my org version
>> | ;; Enable org languages
>> | (org-babel-do-load-languages
>> | 'org-babel-load-languages
>> | '((R . t)
>> | (latex . t)
>> | (sh . t)
>> | (plantuml . t)
>> | (emacs-lisp . t)
>> | ))
>> |
>> | ;; Setup org-ref
>> | (require 'reftex-cite)
>> | (require 'dash)
>> | (org-babel-load-file "~/.emacs.d/org-ref/org-ref.org")
>> | (setq reftex-default-bibliography '("~/Documents/Mendeley/bibliography.bib"))
>> | (setq org-ref-default-bibliography '("~/Documents/Mendeley/bibliography.bib"))
>> |
>> | (setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
>> `----
>> to a minimal init.el which I use to initialize the emacs session using
>> the following in the make file:
>> ,----
>> | PROJECT=prodMixStands
>> | EMACS=emacs
>> | BATCH_EMACS=$(EMACS) --batch -Q --no-desktop -l ~/.emacs.d/init.minimal.el
>> | html:
>> | $(BATCH_EMACS) $(PROJECT).org -f org-html-export-to-html
>> `----
>> The result is still without syntax highlighting - what am I missing?
>> Thanks
>> Rainer
>> Eric Schulte <schulte.eric@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Grant Rettke <gcr@wisdomandwonder.com> writes:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> My goals was to have a simple makefile to tangle and weave a document;
>>>> so org-mk was out of scope.
>>>> Just wondering; how could I have done it better?
>>>> ##########
>>>> INIT=.emacs.el
>>>> $(INIT): TC3F.org
>>>> time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
>>>> --find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-babel-tangle --kill
>>>> TC3F.html: $(INIT)
>>>> time emacs --batch --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el
>>>> --find-file TC3F.org --funcall org-html-export-to-html --kill
>>>> clean:
>>>> rm $(INIT)
>>>> rm TC3F.html
>>>> ##########
>>>> Kind regards,
>>> I don't know if this is better, but its closer to what I use locally.
>>> EMACS=emacs
>>> BATCH_EMACS=$(EMACS) --batch -Q -l init.el
>>> %.html: %.org
>>> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-html-export-to-html
>>> %.tex: %.org init.el
>>> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-latex-export-to-latex
>>> %.el: %.org init.el
>>> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org -f org-babel-tangle
>>> # two fancier alternatives to the above which provide a default file
>>> # name and encode language information
>>> %.el: %.org init.el
>>> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org \
>>> --eval '(org-babel-tangle nil "$@" (quote emacs-lisp))'
>>> %.sh: %.org init.el
>>> $(BATCH_EMACS) $*.org \
>>> --eval '(org-babel-tangle nil "$@" (quote bash))'
>>>> Grant Rettke | AAAS, ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM, Sigma Xi
>>>> gcr@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
>>>> “Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
>>>> ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
>>>> “Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
>>>> taking it seriously.” --ThompsonH
>> --
>> Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)
>> Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
>> Stellenbosch University
>> South Africa
>> Tel : +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
>> Cell: +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
>> Fax : +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44
>> Fax (D): +49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44
>> email: Rainer@krugs.de
>> Skype: RMkrug
>> PGP: 0x0F52F982
Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)
Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa
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[-- Attachment #2: Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 494 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 7+ messages in thread
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Thread overview: 7+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2014-06-10 23:47 A simple org tangle and weave makefile Grant Rettke
2014-06-12 19:54 ` Eric Schulte
2014-06-19 1:17 ` Grant Rettke
2014-07-04 15:26 ` Rainer M Krug
2014-07-06 7:11 ` Grant Rettke
2014-07-07 16:37 ` Syntax highlighting on export to html with minimal init.el WAS: " Rainer M Krug
2014-06-19 12:47 ` Fabrice Niessen
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