Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-property-set-functions-alist) add-to-list(org-property-set-functions-alist ("BIRTHDAY" . org-completing-read-date)) eval-buffer(# nil "/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 12430 load-with-code-conversion("/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el" "/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el" nil t) require(org-contacts) eval-buffer() ; Reading at buffer position 12833 call-interactively(eval-buffer) tmm-prompt((keymap (indent-line menu-item "Indent Line" lisp-indent-line) (indent-region menu-item "Indent Region" indent-region :help "Indent each nonblank line in the region" :enable mark-active) (comment-region menu-item "Comment Out Region" comment-region :help "Comment or uncomment each line in the region" :enable mark-active) (separator-format "--") (eval-sexp menu-item "Evaluate Last S-expression" eval-last-sexp :help "Evaluate sexp before point; print value in minibuffer") (eval-region menu-item "Evaluate Region" eval-region :help "Execute the region as Lisp code" :enable mark-active) (eval-buffer menu-item "Evaluate Buffer" eval-buffer :help "Execute the current buffer as Lisp code") (ielm menu-item "Interactive Expression Evaluation" ielm :help "Interactively evaluate Emacs Lisp expressions") (separator-eval "--") (byte-compile menu-item "Byte-compile this File" emacs-lisp-byte-compile :help "Byte compile the file containing the current buffer") (emacs-byte-compile-and-load menu-item "Byte-compile and Load" emacs-lisp-byte-compile-and-load :help "Byte-compile the current file (if it has changed), then load compiled code") (byte-recompile menu-item "Byte-recompile Directory..." byte-recompile-directory :help "Recompile every `.el' file in DIRECTORY that needs recompilation") (disas menu-item "Disassemble Byte Compiled Object..." disassemble :help "Print disassembled code for OBJECT in a buffer") (separator-byte "--") (edebug-defun menu-item "Instrument Function for Debugging" edebug-defun :help "Evaluate the top level form point is in, stepping through with Edebug" :keys "C-u C-M-x") (lint "Linting" keymap (lint-d menu-item "Lint Defun" elint-defun :help "Lint the function at point") (lint-b menu-item "Lint Buffer" elint-current-buffer :help "Lint the current buffer") (lint-f menu-item "Lint File..." elint-file :help "Lint a file") (lint-di menu-item "Lint Directory..." elint-directory :help "Lint a directory")) (profiling "Profiling" keymap (prof-func menu-item "Instrument Function..." elp-instrument-function :help "Instrument a function for profiling") (prof-pack menu-item "Instrument Package..." elp-instrument-package :help "Instrument for profiling all function that start with a prefix") (prof-res menu-item "Show Profiling Results" elp-results :help "Display current profiling results") (prof-resfunc menu-item "Reset Counters for Function..." elp-reset-function :help "Reset the profiling information for a function") (prof-resall menu-item "Reset Counters for All Functions" elp-reset-all :help "Reset the profiling information for all functions being profiled") (sep-rem "--") (prof-restfunc menu-item "Remove Instrumentation for Function..." elp-restore-function :help "Restore an instrumented function to its original definition") (prof-restall menu-item "Remove Instrumentation for All Functions" elp-restore-all :help "Restore the original definitions of all functions being profiled")) (tracing "Tracing" keymap (tr-f menu-item "Trace Function..." trace-function :help "Trace the function given as an argument") (tr-q menu-item "Trace Function Quietly..." trace-function-background :help "Trace the function with trace output going quietly to a buffer") (tr-sep "--") (tr-uf menu-item "Untrace function..." untrace-function :help "Untrace function, and possibly activate all remaining advice") (tr-a menu-item "Untrace All" untrace-all :help "Untrace all currently traced functions")) (re-builder menu-item "Construct Regexp" re-builder :help "Construct a regexp interactively") (checkdoc menu-item "Check Documentation Strings" checkdoc :help "Check documentation strings for style requirements") (eldoc menu-item "Auto-Display Documentation Strings" eldoc-mode :button (:toggle bound-and-true-p eldoc-mode) :help "Display the documentation string for the item under cursor") "Emacs-Lisp")) tmm-prompt((keymap (file "File" keymap (new-file menu-item "Visit New File..." find-file :enable ... :help "Specify a new file's name, to edit the file") (open-file menu-item "Open File..." menu-find-file-existing :enable ... :help "Read an existing file into an Emacs buffer") (dired menu-item "Open Directory..." dired :enable ... :help "Read a directory, to operate on its files") (insert-file menu-item "Insert File..." insert-file :enable ... :help "Insert another file into current buffer") (kill-buffer menu-item "Close" kill-this-buffer :enable ... :help "Discard (kill) current buffer") (separator-save "--") (save-buffer menu-item "Save" save-buffer :enable ... :help "Save current buffer to its file") (write-file menu-item "Save As..." write-file :enable ... :help "Write current buffer to another file") (revert-buffer menu-item "Revert Buffer" revert-buffer :enable ... :help "Re-read current buffer from its file") (recover-session menu-item "Recover Crashed Session" recover-session :enable ... :help "Recover edits from a crashed session") (separator-print "--") (print-buffer menu-item "Print Buffer" print-buffer :enable ... :help "Print current buffer with page headings") (print-region menu-item "Print Region" print-region :enable mark-active :help "Print region between mark and current position") (ps-print-buffer-faces menu-item "Postscript Print Buffer" ps-print-buffer-with-faces :enable ... :help "Pretty-print current buffer to PostScript printer") (ps-print-region-faces menu-item "Postscript Print Region" ps-print-region-with-faces :enable mark-active :help "Pretty-print marked region to PostScript printer") (ps-print-buffer menu-item "Postscript Print Buffer (B+W)" ps-print-buffer :enable ... :help "Pretty-print current buffer in black and white to PostScript printer") (ps-print-region menu-item "Postscript Print Region (B+W)" ps-print-region :enable mark-active :help "Pretty-print marked region in black and white to PostScript printer") (separator-window "--") (split-window menu-item "Split Window" split-window-vertically :enable ... :help "Split selected window in two windows") (one-window menu-item "Remove Splits" delete-other-windows :enable ... :help "Selected window grows to fill the whole frame") (make-frame menu-item "New Frame" make-frame-command :visible ... :help "Open a new frame") (make-frame-on-display menu-item "New Frame on Display..." make-frame-on-display :visible ... :help "Open a new frame on another display") (delete-this-frame menu-item "Delete Frame" delete-frame :visible ... :enable ... :help "Delete currently selected frame") (separator-exit "--") (exit-emacs menu-item "Quit" save-buffers-kill-terminal :help "Save unsaved buffers, then exit") "File") (edit "Edit" keymap (undo menu-item "Undo" undo :enable ... :help "Undo last operation") (cut menu-item "Cut" kill-region :enable ... :help "Cut (kill) text in region between mark and current position") (copy menu-item "Copy" menu-bar-kill-ring-save :enable mark-active :help "Copy text in region between mark and current position" :keys "\\[kill-ring-save]") (paste menu-item "Paste" yank :enable ... :help "Paste (yank) text most recently cut/copied") (paste-from-menu menu-item "Paste from Kill Menu" yank-menu :enable ... :help "Choose a string from the kill ring and paste it") (clear menu-item "Clear" delete-region :enable ... :help "Delete the text in region between mark and current position") (mark-whole-buffer menu-item "Select All" mark-whole-buffer :help "Mark the whole buffer for a subsequent cut/copy") (separator-search "--") (search menu-item "Search" ...) (replace menu-item "Replace" ...) (goto menu-item "Go To" ...) (bookmark menu-item "Bookmarks" menu-bar-bookmark-map) (separator-bookmark "--") (fill menu-item "Fill" fill-region :enable ... :help "Fill text in region to fit between left and right margin") (props menu-item "Text Properties" facemenu-menu) "Edit") (options "Options" keymap (transient-mark-mode menu-item "Active Region Highlighting" transient-mark-mode :enable ... :help "Make text in active region stand out in color (Transient Mark mode)" :button ...) (highlight-paren-mode menu-item "Paren Match Highlighting" show-paren-mode :help "Highlight matching/mismatched parentheses at cursor (Show Paren mode)" :button ...) (highlight-separator "--") (line-wrapping menu-item "Line Wrapping in this Buffer" ...) (auto-fill-mode menu-item "Auto Fill in Text Modes" menu-bar-text-mode-auto-fill :help "Automatically fill text while typing (Auto Fill mode)" :button ...) (case-fold-search menu-item "Case-Insensitive Search" toggle-case-fold-search :help "Ignore letter-case in search commands" :button ...) (cua-emulation-mode menu-item "Shift movement mark region (CUA)" cua-mode :visible ... :help "Use shifted movement keys to set and extend the region." :button ...) (cua-mode menu-item "C-x/C-c/C-v Cut and Paste (CUA)" cua-mode :visible ... :help "Use C-z/C-x/C-c/C-v keys for undo/cut/copy/paste" :button ...) (edit-options-separator "--") (uniquify menu-item "Use Directory Names in Buffer Names" toggle-uniquify-buffer-names :help "Uniquify buffer names by adding parent directory names" :button ...) (save-place menu-item "Save Place in Files between Sessions" toggle-save-place-globally :help "Visit files of previous session when restarting Emacs" :button ...) (cursor-separator "--") (blink-cursor-mode menu-item "Blinking Cursor" blink-cursor-mode :help "Whether the cursor blinks (Blink Cursor mode)" :button ...) (debugger-separator "--") (debug-on-error menu-item "Enter Debugger on Error" toggle-debug-on-error :help "Enter Lisp debugger when an error is signaled" :button ...) (debug-on-quit menu-item "Enter Debugger on Quit/C-g" toggle-debug-on-quit :help "Enter Lisp debugger when C-g is pressed" :button ...) (mule-separator "--") (mule menu-item "Mule (Multilingual Environment)" ...) (showhide-separator "--") (showhide menu-item "Show/Hide" ...) (menu-set-font menu-item "Set Default Font..." menu-set-font :visible ... :help "Select a default font") (custom-separator "--") (save menu-item "Save Options" menu-bar-options-save :help "Save options set from the menu above") (customize menu-item "Customize Emacs" ...) "Options") (buffer "Buffers" keymap "Select Buffer" [... ... ... ... ...] (command-separator "--") (next-buffer menu-item "Next Buffer" next-buffer :help "Switch to the \"next\" buffer in a cyclic order") (previous-buffer menu-item "Previous Buffer" previous-buffer :help "Switch to the \"previous\" buffer in a cyclic order") (select-named-buffer menu-item "Select Named Buffer..." switch-to-buffer :help "Prompt for a buffer name, and select that buffer in the current window") (list-all-buffers menu-item "List All Buffers" list-buffers :help "Pop up a window listing all Emacs buffers")) (tools "Tools" keymap (grep menu-item "Search Files (Grep)..." grep :help "Search files for strings or regexps (with Grep)") (compile menu-item "Compile..." compile :help "Invoke compiler or Make, view compilation errors") (shell menu-item "Shell Command..." shell-command :help "Invoke a shell command and catch its output") (shell-on-region menu-item "Shell Command on Region..." shell-command-on-region :enable mark-active :help "Pass marked region to a shell command") (gdb menu-item "Debugger (GDB)..." gdb :help "Debug a program from within Emacs with GDB") (ede menu-item "Project support (EDE)" global-ede-mode :help "Toggle the Emacs Development Environment (Global EDE mode)" :button ...) (semantic menu-item "Source Code Parsers (Semantic)" semantic-mode :help "Toggle automatic parsing in source code buffers (Semantic mode)" :button ...) (separator-prog "--") (spell menu-item "Spell Checking" ispell-menu-map) (separator-spell "--") (compare menu-item "Compare (Ediff)" menu-bar-ediff-menu) (ediff-merge menu-item "Merge" menu-bar-ediff-merge-menu) (epatch menu-item "Apply Patch" menu-bar-epatch-menu) (separator-compare "--") (vc menu-item "Version Control" vc-menu-map :filter vc-menu-map-filter) (pcl-cvs menu-item "PCL-CVS" cvs-global-menu) (separator-vc "--") (gnus menu-item "Read Net News (Gnus)" gnus :help "Read network news groups") (rmail menu-item ... menu-bar-read-mail :visible ... :help "Read your mail and reply to it") (compose-mail menu-item ... compose-mail :visible ... :help "Send a mail message") (directory-search menu-item "Directory Search" eudc-tools-menu) (separator-net "--") (calendar menu-item "Calendar" calendar :help "Invoke the Emacs built-in calendar") (calc menu-item "Programmable Calculator" calc :help "Invoke the Emacs built-in full scientific calculator") (simple-calculator menu-item "Simple Calculator" calculator :help "Invoke the Emacs built-in quick calculator") (separator-encryption-decryption "--") (encryption-decryption menu-item "Encryption/Decryption" ...) (separator-games "--") (games menu-item "Games" ...) "Tools") (mouse-1 . tmm-menubar-mouse) (emacs-lisp "Emacs-Lisp" keymap (indent-line menu-item "Indent Line" lisp-indent-line) (indent-region menu-item "Indent Region" indent-region :help "Indent each nonblank line in the region" :enable mark-active) (comment-region menu-item "Comment Out Region" comment-region :help "Comment or uncomment each line in the region" :enable mark-active) (separator-format "--") (eval-sexp menu-item "Evaluate Last S-expression" eval-last-sexp :help "Evaluate sexp before point; print value in minibuffer") (eval-region menu-item "Evaluate Region" eval-region :help "Execute the region as Lisp code" :enable mark-active) (eval-buffer menu-item "Evaluate Buffer" eval-buffer :help "Execute the current buffer as Lisp code") (ielm menu-item "Interactive Expression Evaluation" ielm :help "Interactively evaluate Emacs Lisp expressions") (separator-eval "--") (byte-compile menu-item "Byte-compile this File" emacs-lisp-byte-compile :help "Byte compile the file containing the current buffer") (emacs-byte-compile-and-load menu-item "Byte-compile and Load" emacs-lisp-byte-compile-and-load :help "Byte-compile the current file (if it has changed), then load compiled code") (byte-recompile menu-item "Byte-recompile Directory..." byte-recompile-directory :help "Recompile every `.el' file in DIRECTORY that needs recompilation") (disas menu-item "Disassemble Byte Compiled Object..." disassemble :help "Print disassembled code for OBJECT in a buffer") (separator-byte "--") (edebug-defun menu-item "Instrument Function for Debugging" edebug-defun :help "Evaluate the top level form point is in, stepping through with Edebug" :keys "C-u C-M-x") (lint "Linting" keymap ... ... ... ...) (profiling "Profiling" keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (tracing "Tracing" keymap ... ... ... ... ...) (re-builder menu-item "Construct Regexp" re-builder :help "Construct a regexp interactively") (checkdoc menu-item "Check Documentation Strings" checkdoc :help "Check documentation strings for style requirements") (eldoc menu-item "Auto-Display Documentation Strings" eldoc-mode :button ... :help "Display the documentation string for the item under cursor") "Emacs-Lisp") nil (help-menu "Help" keymap (emacs-tutorial menu-item "Emacs Tutorial" help-with-tutorial :help "Learn how to use Emacs") (emacs-tutorial-language-specific menu-item "Emacs Tutorial (choose language)..." help-with-tutorial-spec-language :help "Learn how to use Emacs (choose a language)") (emacs-faq menu-item "Emacs FAQ" view-emacs-FAQ :help "Frequently asked (and answered) questions about Emacs") (emacs-news menu-item "Emacs News" view-emacs-news :help "New features of this version") (emacs-known-problems menu-item "Emacs Known Problems" view-emacs-problems :help "Read about known problems with Emacs") (send-emacs-bug-report menu-item "Send Bug Report..." report-emacs-bug :help "Send e-mail to Emacs maintainers") (emacs-psychotherapist menu-item "Emacs Psychotherapist" doctor :help "Our doctor will help you feel better") (sep1 "--") (search-documentation menu-item "Search Documentation" ...) (describe menu-item "Describe" ...) (emacs-manual menu-item "Read the Emacs Manual" info-emacs-manual :help "Full documentation of Emacs features") (more-manuals menu-item "More Manuals" ...) (find-emacs-packages menu-item "Find Emacs Packages" finder-by-keyword :help "Find packages and features by keyword") (external-packages menu-item "External Packages" menu-bar-help-extra-packages :help "Lisp packages distributed separately for use in Emacs") (sep2 "--") (getting-new-versions menu-item "Getting New Versions" describe-distribution :help "How to get the latest version of Emacs") (describe-copying menu-item "Copying Conditions" describe-copying :help "Show the Emacs license (GPL)") (describe-no-warranty menu-item "(Non)Warranty" describe-no-warranty :help "Explain that Emacs has NO WARRANTY") (sep4 "--") (about-emacs menu-item "About Emacs" about-emacs :help "Display version number, copyright info, and basic help") (about-gnu-project menu-item "About GNU" describe-gnu-project :help "About the GNU System, GNU Project, and GNU/Linux") "Help")) nil nil) tmm-menubar() menu-bar-open() call-interactively(menu-bar-open nil nil)