Wonderful Bastien. Part-1 ====== Did you forget to upload http://orgmode.org/pkg/daily/archive-contents? Once this is done orgmode.org could be used as an ELPA repo in and of itself. I am attaching a sample archive-contents for your ready reference. Part-2 ====== Downloaded and installed org-20101020.tar. The installation process reported some compile time warnings. See down below. Part-3 ====== There is an interactive defun package-upload-file in package-x.el that can automate the creation of a new entry in archive-contents. Rough instructions are 1. Hand fix package-upload-buffer-internal - point archive-url to our own repo. - comment out the call to package--update-news 2. (setq package-archive-upload-base "~/pkg/daily/") 3. (package-upload-file "/tmp/org-20101016.tar") Step-3 will 1. Download existing archive-contents 1. copy /tmp/org-20101016.tar to ~/pkg/daily/ 3. Update archive-contents with the new entry. If this is all too hairy may be one can just write a emacs batch script that adds/removes entries from archive-contents taking care to use (version-to-list ...) for recording the package version. Jambunathan K. Attachments: 1. archive-contents