Hello Erik Good news. Getting a frugal Zotero-based citations is *definitely* possible. It is just a matter of time. Your libraries already provide the necessary plumbing to accomplish the job. Long story ========== For my own understanding, I tried trimming down zot4rst to it's bare essentials and the attached zotcite.py is the result. What zotcite does is this: For two Zotero Items, it prints their Bibliogrpahic entries and their Citation Reference, in "Text" format using Chicago-Author-Date style. I believe a commandline interface could be built around this file along the following lines. (Will you be interested in building this interface for us?) $ zotcite --style chicago --format --items I1, I2 --print biblio $ zotcite --style chicago --format --items I1, I2 --print citeref Once this is done, Emacs/Org can do invoke zotcite and get the required Bibliographic definitions and references using "shell-command". The assumption is that Emacs/Org somehow has captured zotero keys through org-protocol or org-zotero.el or someother means. Here is a output from zotcite.py. --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- $ python zotcite.py C.UTF-8 C.UTF-8 ======== KEYS ======== I4AUIZ4S AKJZBHRW ======== ITEM_IDs ======== [6, 40] ======== BIBDATA ======== [u'Brin, S. 1999. \u201cExtracting patterns and relations from the world wide web.\u201d The World Wide Web and Databases: 172\u2013183.\n', u'Jambunathan, K. On Choice of Connection-Polynomials for LFSR-Based Stream Ciphers. In Progress in Cryptology \u2014INDOCRYPT 2000, ed. Bimal Roy and Eiji Okamoto, 1977:9-18. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. http://www.springerlink.com/content/n27yjr5eqhabux0g/.\n'] ===== CITATION REFERENCE ===== (This Brin 1999 That) --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- IIRC, I made two changes to the export.js in your Javascript backend. 1. I had trouble understanding the organization of citation clusters. So I modified getCitationBlock as below. Note the use of "true" as a second param of the appendCitationCluster. This is OK as registerItemIds already does updateItems(). --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- function getCitationBlock (citation) { var results; var str = ""; try { results = zotero.reStructuredCSL.appendCitationCluster(citation, true); } catch (e) { zotero.debug("XXX oops: "+e); } // var index = citation['properties']['index']; // for (var i = 0 ; i <= results.length ; i++) { // // if (results[i][0] == index) { // return escape(str + results[i][1]); // // } // } return escape(results[0][1]); } --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- 2. There should be way to set the output format form python side of things. I had to modify instantiateCiteProc by hand to set the output format to "text". You know what output format that LibreOffice plugin uses? I see "text", "html" and "rtf" as output formats. But not ODT. See https://bitbucket.org/fbennett/citeproc-js/src/tip/src/formats.js --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- function instantiateCiteProc (styleid) { // Suspenders and a belt. try { if (!styleid) { styleid = "chicago-author-date"; } if (styleid.slice(0,7) !== 'http://') { styleid = 'http://www.zotero.org/styles/' + styleid; } zotero.debug("XXX does this exist?: " + styleid); var style = zotero.Styles.get(styleid); zotero.reStructuredCSL = style.csl; zotero.reStructuredCSL.setOutputFormat("text"); } catch (e) { zotero.debug("XXX instantiateCiteProc oops: " + e); } }; --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- Btw, I found that with my 2-day old zotero database and for printing the above 2 keys, the whole machinery takes a perceivably a lot of time. Is this your experience as well? I am not a netbook.