From: Jambunathan K Subject: Re: Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class To: Sébastien Vauban Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2010 21:07:26 +0530 Message-ID: <> Sébastien Vauban writes: > Hi Jambunathan, > > Jambunathan K wrote: >> Honoring spaces would be a pre-requisite if one were to allow org's >> headlines as implicit srcnames. > > Or you would have to impose titles without spaces, which is acceptable as well > for such a usage... > Org is for humans. We need spaces (pun intended). This is why I find CamelCase words in a text document quite awkward. On the otherhand, I don't find it awkward as variable and function names in source code. Read on ... More comments down below. > >> If babel supports headlines as srcnames, without requiring additional >> begin/end directives one could just write, >> >> * org-list >> - one >> - two >> - three >> >> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes :noweb yes >> " >> <> >> " >> #+end_src >> >> and achieve similar results. >> >> Based on my earlier efforts at letter-writing, I have the following >> observation. >> >> Letters have a To address and they could be pulled from bbdb. So one >> could say, >> >> * To >> [[a bbdb link]] >> >> >> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes :noweb yes >> " >> <> >> " >> #+end_src >> >> The string custom could be a elisp form or a function pointer that takes >> the body of the headline as an argument and does the needful. >> >> Specifically in the above example, 'custom' handler would visit the bbdb >> record, fetch the address and return the formatted address (with line >> breaks etc etc) as the noweb expansion. [Custom handler would be >> implemented by the user himself] >> >> Any thoughts on how this could be achieved ... > > That's going (really) far... But would that be do-able, waaoow! Yes it is going far. Sometimes going far makes us feel elated while at other times it makes us feel down and out ;-). In the present case, the experience would be of the first kind. Otherwise would I dare suggest it? I would provide an example and later summarize what the implications are. Before proceeding ahead we need to remember the following: 1. Headline in an org document is code. That is I can call it. It always has an implicit 'this' parameter which is the 'content of the headline'. It could have additional parameters like :fmt as above (with :fmt text or :fmt org) being the default values. 2. (1) implies that I can 'execute' an org file. Now an example. * Isodoc [[Link to page 9 of isodoc.pdf]] * Extract of Isodoc for ready reference > Now if I execute the 'Extract ...' subtree I have essentially imported a pdf page as text content. In the above example, the execution of headline would do some sort of extract pdf pages and/or pdftotext. If the link were actually a gmane thread it would amount to doing 'w3m -dump ...'. Let's now take it even a bit further. It seems that there are a good number of people who use 'one org file to rule them all'. It also seems fairly common that one version controls an agenda or a working file. Then it naturally follows that one would like to import a git controlled file as a headline node in the master file. This should be quite possible with the proposed enhancement. * Agenda file [[git url]] * Agenda Node <> Good thing is that I only need to tangle the headline to checkout the agenda file on a remote server as a head line node. One could also think of how one could git commit a headline node on the way out. One could achieve Aliased Trees [1], Translations [2] and interesting mashups like selective annotation [3] and agenda mashups[4] [1] Plain import headline in another headline [2] Tangling as language translation. Tangling a vocabulary node tangles the headline nodes to be translated which in turn 'pull' in the newly translation. [3] Requests like a master TODO file that is 'shared' by teams, extracting text snippets from a file (that I don't have control over) and possibly view it side-by-side with my annotation etc etc have surfaced in the past in this mailing list. [4] Good thing is that all these workflows could be supported with little effort and without impairing the simplicity and elegance of org-mode. Jambunathan K.