Hmmm, this is different than changing the filter because it requires re-creating the clock table.  Useful, but will not happen now.... :-(

- Carsten

On Oct 18, 2008, at 8:08 PM, Bernt Hansen wrote:

Hi Carsten,

Would it be possible to filter the data that creates the agenda clock
table report by tags?  This would be useful to limit the report to a
specific project that spans multiple org files for instance.

Right now I do a monthly agenda report for everything and cut and paste
the result to get the details I need for a particular project - if I
could just limit the display to a specific tag and have the report only
include clock times for that tag then this would be much easier for me
to deal with.


| Key              | Detail                                |
| C-c a a          | Go to agenda                          |
| m                | Display agenda for this month         |
| R                | Display clock report for everything   |
| / TAB projecttag | Limit display to specific project tag |

and have the resulting clock report only include the filtered tasks and
their clock times.

I would find this very useful but don't let me create new work for you
if it's not easy/fun :)

Thanks for org-mode!


Carsten Dominik <> writes:

Hi Manish,

I very much like the idea to add an indicator to the agenda mode line,
and will do that.

You said that you can filter an already filtered  view.  This is only
partially correct.  If you do that, it is not so that you will further
filter down the current list.  Instead, a new filter will be applied
to the original list.  At first I had it in fact implemented in a way
that several filters could be used in a row, but John Wiegley (how
asked for this feature) convinced me that the current convention is

What this feature really does is saving you the definition of
different agenda commands selecting for specific tasks.  Instead, you
can now create one view and then filter it for different tags.

We could implement filtering for several tags, but I am not sure if
this will be really so useful.

- Carsten

On Oct 18, 2008, at 1:46 PM, Manish wrote:

On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 12:43 AM, Bernt Hansen wrote:
Manish writes:

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 8:43 PM, Bernt Hansen wrote:
This works for me.  I added

#+FILETAGS: :Personal:

to the top of one of my org files, hit C-c C-c on the line to
reinitialize and then match tags with Personal as the target with

C-c a m Personal RET

and it lists all of the tasks in my org file including top-level
The tasks do now show :Personal: in the display but using T
on any tasks
shows the tag is inherited.

I hit T on a task 4 levels deep and it includes the Personal tag.

It also works with

#+FILETAGS: Personal

Thanks Bernt.  It works this way for me as well.  I guess I should
able to mimic similar behaviour by restricting agenda to that
buffer as well.

But does it (task filtering based on tags using "/") work while you
are in agenda view?

Yes this works for me.  / TAB <tagname> works even if tagname is
not in
org-tag-alist.  Some of my (new) FILETAGS are still in my org-tag-
so I can just filter with the quick-keys but for the ones that are
the / TAB <tagname> works fine.

I tested this with C-a a t to show all my todo keyword tasks without
scheduled dates and then used / to filter that list down to some
specific FILETAG tagname.

Finally, agenda filtering on tags works for me.  Unfortunately, I am
not sure if it was an update, tweak or some other tinkering that fixed
it but it works beautifully.  It is now one of my favourite features.
I did not expect but was pleasently surprised to find that it allowed
filtering an already filtered view.  Carsten also fixed tab completion
of tags.  Sweet.

Will it be possible/useful to add some kind of indication to modeline
showing that filtering is in effect and the filters applied (may be
like "(Org Agenda Day Diary Filtered: P, t)")?  But I love it even
without it.

-- Manish

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