(global-set-key "\C-cp" 'org-popup-help) (defun org-popup-help () "Inserts a reminder of my org keybindings momentarily above the current line, until the next keystroke." (interactive) (save-excursion (momentary-string-display org-keys (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)) nil "Type SPC or any command to erase help."))) ;; (defvar org-keys (concat " | \n" " | \n" ;;; " | Visibility Cycling TAB C-i \n" " | Motion C-c C-n/p / C-c C-f/b / C-c C-u / C-c C-j \n" " | Structure Editing M-RET / M-L/R / M-S-L/R \n" " | Sorting C-c ^ \n" " | Converting to headlines/removing stars C-c * \n" " | Checkboxes M-S-RET\n" " | Archiving [manual] C-c C-x a \n" " | Filtering and Sparse Trees C-c / \n" " | Links C-c l / C-c C-l \n" " | TODO Items M-S-RET C-c C-t \n" " | Tags C-c C-q / C-c C-c / C-c \\n" " | Properties and Column View C-c C-x p \n" " | Timestamps C-c . / C-c ! \n" " | *Schedule and Deadline* C-c C-s / C-c C-d\n" " | Clocking time C-c C-x C-i / C-c C-x C-o \n" " | Relative time clock C-c C-x . / C-c C-x - \n" " | Exporting and Publishing C-c C-e \n" " | Attachments Dispatcher Commands: C-c C-a \n" " | `%'-escapes for org-remember-templates: C-c 8 \n" ) "*String displayed above current line by \\org-popup-help].") (global-set-key "\C-c9" 'org-agenda-popup-help) (defun org-agenda-popup-help () "Inserts a reminder of my org keybindings momentarily above the current line, until the next keystroke." (interactive) (save-excursion (momentary-string-display org-agenda-keys (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)) nil "Type SPC or any command to erase help."))) ;; (defvar org-agenda-keys (concat " | \n" " | \n" ;;; " |Agenda Dispatcher (suggested) C-c a\n" " | compile agenda for the current week C-c a a \n" " | compile global TODO list C-c a t \n" " | compile TODO list for specific keyword C-c a T \n" " | match tags, TODO kwds, properties C-c a m \n" " | match only in TODO entries C-c a M \n" " | show timeline view of current org file C-c a L \n" " | (time-sorted view)\n" " | match boolean expression C-c a s\n" " | configure custom commands C-c a C\n" " | search agenda files for regular expression C-c a /\n" " | find stuck projects C-c a # ; C-c a !\n" " | restrict to current buffer C-c a < (then character)\n" " | agenda for date at cursor C-c C-o \n") "*String displayed above current line by \\org-popup-help].") (defvar org-template-popup (concat " | \n" " | \n" ; " | \%^{prompt} prompt the user for a string and replace this sequence with it. \n" " | \%^{prompt|default|completion2|completion3...} \n" " | \%a annotation, normally the link created with `org-store-link' \n" " | \%A like `%a', but prompt for the description part \n" " | \%i the region when remember is called with C-u. \n" " | \%t, \%T time stamp, (date only | date and time) \n" " | \%u, \%U inactive time stamps, (date only | date and time) \n" " | \%^t,\%^u,\%^T,\%^U prompt for date. (idea: `%^{Birthday}t') \n" " | \%n user name (taken from `user-full-name') \n" " | \%c Current kill ring head. \n" " | \%x Content of the X clipboard. \n" " | \%^C Interactive selection of which kill or clip to use. \n" " | \%^L Like `%^C', insert as link. \n" " | \%^g prompt for tags, with completion on tags in target file. \n" " | \%k title of currently clocked task \n" " | \%K link to currently clocked task \n" " | \%^G prompt for tags, with completion on tags fr all agenda files. \n" " | \%^{prop}p Prompt the user for a value for property `prop' \n" " | \%:keyword specific information for certain link types \n" " | \%[pathname] insert the contents of the file given by `pathname' \n" " | \%(sexp) evaluate elisp `(sexp)' and replace with the result \n" " | \%! skip 'C-c C-c': immediately store note after completing template \n" " | \%& jump to target location immediately after storing note \n") "*String displayed above current line by org-template-help.") (global-set-key "\C-c8" 'display-templates-popup) (defun display-templates-popup () "Doc String" (interactive) (with-output-to-momentary-buffer "*sample*" (princ org-template-popup))) ;(define-key org-mode-map "p" 'org-popup-help) ; (function ; (lambda (event) ; (if (event-matches-key-specifier-p event ?q) ; (message "Happy days are here again!"))))) ; ;(define-key org-mode-map "p" 'org-popup-help) (global-set-key "\C-cp" 'org-popup-help) (global-set-key "\C-c9" 'org-agenda-popup-help) (global-set-key "\C-c8" 'org-remember-template-popup-help)