Hello, I am regularly updating 9.6-pre from https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/ and yesterday my LaTeX export stopped working. The org-mode snippet below (attached, together with the LaTeX export file) shows the problem. The LaTeX file compiles after I remove all occurrences of \relax. Best -- Gerard #+title: Export of this table fails LuaLaTeX compilation #+macro: nit (eval (format "@@latex:\\colorbox{red}{\\texttt{%s}}@@" $1)) #+options: title:nil toc:nil Macro {{{nit(works outside table)}}} but fails inside tables where =\\= matters. The LaTeX export fails to compile with LuaLaTeX because of =\\\relax= instead of =\\=: |-----------------------------------------| | @@latex:\colorbox{red}{\texttt{bug}}@@ | | {{{nit(bug)}}} | |-----------------------------------------| exports to: #+begin_src latex :exports none :results silent \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l} \hline \colorbox{red}{\texttt{bug}}\\\relax \colorbox{red}{\texttt{bug}}\\\relax \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} #+end_src