Thank you very much Scot, the trick helped me. I've put the '(global-visual-line-mode t) line inside the custom-set-variables block.
I am going to see what I can do to cleanly get the org-indent-mode.

Have a nice day everybody.

2009/9/14 Scot Becker <>
Somehow I thought visual line mode was on in Emacs 23 by default, but
I do this which turns it on everywhere (see below), then turn it off
manually on those occasions (looking at code when your buffer width is
shorter than line length) when I want it off.  A simple M-x
visual-line-mode toggles it. (And there is also an option in the
pull-down menus as well.)

 '(global-visual-line-mode t)

No disturbance at all, I just thought if what you wanted was something
else, I'd help you find where to look.  You might send a brief one
liner to the list (reply-all) to my last message, saying that visual
line mode did the trick, just so no one spends time working out help
you don't need.  This is a very helpful list.

And you might be interested in the new org-indent-mode, with dynamic
outline indentation under Emacs 23.  I haven't had the chance to try
it yet.  I think it does soft INdenting, as well, so long headlines
look prettier.

Keep very well.


Adrien Poupin.