#+options: toc:nil #+property: header-args:python :session #+language: fr #+title: What's up with references ? #+author: #+date: December 2018 #+toc: headlines #+toc: figures #+toc: tables #+toc: listings * Some reference samples This is created using =org-ref= 's =label= 's and =ref= 's. ** A reference... ... to cite:gelmanBayesianDataAnalysis2013 ,a /good/ textbook. ** A table A Python block producing a (silly) table. #+caption: A (silly) Python block. label:lst:Python1 #+BEGIN_SRC python :results table :exports both [[u+str(v) for v in range(1,4)] for u in ["a", "b"]] #+END_SRC #+caption: A (silly) Python table. label:tab:Python1 #+RESULTS: | a1 | a2 | a3 | | b1 | b2 | b3 | The table ref:tab:Python1 is produced by the code ref:lst:Python1. ** A figure A Python block producing a figure. #+caption: A Python block producing a figure. label:lst:Python2 #+BEGIN_SRC python :results file :exports both import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np from sympy import * x=symbols("x") f=lambda x:sin(x)/x t=np.arange(-6*np.pi,6*np.pi, 0.1) ft=[f(u) for u in t] fig=plt.figure(figsize=(3,2)) plt.plot(t, ft, "b-") fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig("tstfig.pdf") "tstfig.pdf" #+END_SRC #+caption: A (not so silly) figure produced by Python. label:fig:Python2 #+RESULTS: [[file:tstfig.pdf]] The figure ref:fig:Python2 is produced by the code ref:lst:Python2. [[bibliographystyle:vancouver]] [[bibliography:Minimal.bib]] # Local Variables: # org-latex-packages-alist: (("AUTO" "babel" t ("pdflatex")) ("AUTO" "polyglossia" t ("xelatex" "lualatex"))) # org-latex-pdf-process: ("latexmk -shell-escape -bibtex -f -pdf %f") # End: