Emacs restart. org-version -> "Org-mode version 7.7" org-mobile-push -> "byte-code: Invalid function: org-eval-in-environment" C-u C-c C-x r (Org reload uncompiled) org-mobile-push -> "Files for mobile viewer staged" Works till next restart of emacs. Then I downloaded the .tar-file manually and installed via M-x package-install-file RET Org-reload. org-version -> "Org-mode version 7.7" org-mobile-push -> "Files for mobile viewer staged" (i.e. everything works) I hope this helps to identify the problem with the package manager. > 8. Restart Emacs > 9. Now. Do you still run in to the original org-macs issue that you > reported? > > Extra information for me: > 10. What does C-h v package-enable-at-startup RET report? > package-enable-at-startup is a variable defined in `package.el'. Its value is t Bastian