I recently began experimenting with literate programming, starting with converting my configuration to use org and elisp. 

Python is the second language I have worked with. My observations so far:

* you need to activate languages other than elisp. I am on my phone, so I don't have the links to hand, but I could post them later. 

* as of now, I haven't tried setting up a program which you can use interactively. I have only used it to output text which then forms part of the document. Interactivity is on my list of things to investigate. I suspect Jupyter would be a better choice for that. 

Best wishes 


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Lawrence Bottorff <borgauf@gmail.com>
Date: 30/03/2019 03:18 (GMT+00:00)
To: emacs-orgmode Mailinglist <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>
Subject: [O] Python with org-mode

I've seen many "start using Python" parades, but what is the best way to use Python with org-mode, i.e., in babel source blocks? I'm on U18.10, which comes with standard 2 (2.7.15+) and 3 (3.6.7). But then I keep hearing about Anaconda. Your opinions, experiences, please.