Hi, I have read the docstring of `org-latex-toc-command' too literally to discover that specifying anything else than "toc:nil" works. The attached patch contains a proposal for improvement. Below there is a not so small mwe. --- begin mwe --- #+title: Table of Contents Test #+latex_class: article #+options: author:nil date:nil toc:1 #+latex_header: \usepackage{listings} #+latex_header: \usepackage{minted} * Test ~toc:~ and ~org-latex-toc-command~ Anything else than ~toc:nil~ in ~#+options:~ above exports the TOC. #+caption: Execute this block before exporting to a LaTeX buffer or file. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent (when (require 'ox-latex nil 'noerror) (setq-local org-latex-src-block-backend 'listings) (setq-local org-latex-toc-command (cond ((eq org-latex-src-block-backend 'verbatim) "\\tableofcontents\n\\vspace{10pt}\n") ((eq org-latex-src-block-backend 'listings) "\\tableofcontents\n\\lstlistoflistings\n\\vspace{10pt}\n") ((memq org-latex-src-block-backend '(minted engraved)) "\\tableofcontents\n\\listoflistings\n\\vspace{10pt}\n")))) #+end_src --- end mwe --- Regards -- Gerard