Hi emacs-orgmode, Setting ‘org-hierarchical-todo-statistics’ to nil confuses ‘org-update-statistics-cookies’ when that function is used in a before-save-hook. More precisely, every time I save the attached org file, the hidden section of the buffer shrinks a bit, revealing a few characters at the end of the buffer. This is weird. Fortunately, it's reproducible in emacs -Q. Here's a video: http://asciinema.org/a/1h4otbt9cviod3nef0nx1sa5s I have attached minimal org.el and test.org files. With these, run emacs -Q -l org.el test.org Then make a change on the first line and save. This will reveal a few characters at the end of the file-local variables section. Repeating the edit+save cycle shows a few more characters each time (if this is abstruse, watch the asciinema video above) Let me know if I can provide more information! Cheers, Clément. Emacs : GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.18.9) of 2016-07-20