Hi, I'm a bloody beginner on org-mode so I still am searching my way through the oceans of informations about getting along with org-mode. At the moment I am struggling with using latex-export and setting up (a) latex-class(es). I found some great instructions on worg: Latex Export vor org-mode < 8.0 and it says to make some changes in .emacs like: > (require 'ox-latex) If I do that and eval-buffer emacs it reads: > eval-buffer: Cannot open load file: ox-latex Now I don't know if it means ox-latex doesn't exist at all ... however, I thought to look out for ox-latex in the web to download and push it in my .emacs.d ... hmmm ... even though there are bunches of ox-whatsoever-files I failed to find ox-latex ... so I think I'm thinking wrong ... :-( Can anyone help me out here?