Hi all, I am pretty sure that the following org-capture setup used to work, but it doesnˇ¦t seem to anymore. The intention is to manually select a date and use this with a custom date format (e.g. %<%Y/%m/%d>). (The custom date format is for ledger; I use this to capture ledger transations.) But it doesnˇ¦t work now (if it ever did ˇV looking at git blame doesnˇ¦t help me figure out why it might have worked) without the attached patch, with passes along the custom time to format-time-string. Would it be a problem if this patch were applied? Thank you. best, Erik (defun egh:org-capture-ledger-file () (let* ((date (org-read-date nil t)) (filename (format "~/c/finances/%s.lgr" (format-time-string "%Y" date)))) (org-capture-put :default-time date) (set-buffer (org-capture-target-buffer filename)) (goto-char (point-max)))) (setq org-capture-templates '(("c" "Cash" plain (function egh:org-capture-ledger-file) "%<%Y/%m/%d> * %^{Payee} Expenses:Erik:Cash Expenses:%^{Account} $%^{Amount}" :empty-lines 1))) -- Sent from my free software system .