Hi all I have slightly modified the Jason Riedy's orgtbl-sqlinsert.el package to take into account Org dates. The output format is configurable through the :datefmt parameter. The default format is suitable for Sqlite. (git patch attached) An example: Here is the source table: #+ORGTBL: SEND faraway orgtbl-to-sqlinsert :splice nil :skipcols (5) :datefmt "'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'" :sqlname "thetable" | date | quty | color | status | useless | |-------------------------+-------+--------+-------------+---------| | [2013-04-17 wed. 11:34] | 123.4 | red | yes ok nogo | a | | [2014-04-18 fri.] | 75.3 | yellow | no ko go | bb | | <2015-04-19 sun. 11:35> | 355.1 | blue | no ok go | ccc | | <2016-04-20 wed.> | 233.7 | white | yes ko go | dddd | And here is the result: -- BEGIN RECEIVE ORGTBL faraway BEGIN TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO thetable( date, quty, color, status ) VALUES ( '2013-04-17 11:34:00' , '123.4' , 'red' , 'yes ok nogo' ); INSERT INTO thetable( date, quty, color, status ) VALUES ( '2014-04-18 00:00:00' , '75.3' , 'yellow' , 'no ko go' ); INSERT INTO thetable( date, quty, color, status ) VALUES ( '2015-04-19 11:35:00' , '355.1' , 'blue' , 'no ok go' ); INSERT INTO thetable( date, quty, color, status ) VALUES ( '2016-04-20 00:00:00' , '233.7' , 'white' , 'yes ko go' ); COMMIT; -- END RECEIVE ORGTBL faraway Have fun Thierry