Hi Matt,

Thanks for your response. I knew the "toggle" button, but it's not what I need. However, I think based on the current system, it would not be too hard to add those "expand" on ...


On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Matthew Lundin <mdl@imapmail.org> wrote:
Xin Shi <shixin111@gmail.com> writes:
> I'm not sure if Sebastian has already implemented it or not. I saw my
> friends using a software on Mac called aquaminds to produce webnotes,
> and that "expand" button is very useful when presenting across the
> internet during net-work meeting.
> Here is the one example page (including the "?1" after html):
> http://www.aquaminds.com/synergy/index.html?1
> On this page, one can see the  minus sign can be clicked and become
> plus sign ...

Perhaps it's not exactly what you're looking for, but you can already
get javascript folding of an exported org file using org-info.js.

For an example click on the "toggle view" button on the following page:

