The manual explains in "Images in HTML export" that you can make an image a hyperlink like this: [[file:highres.jpg][file:thumb.jpg]] where thumb.jpg becomes the 'src' and highres.jpg becomes the 'href'. One might infer it should also be possible to link to something other than an image, like this: [[][]] For example, try exporting this file: #+begin_src org Some initial text. [[]] Some text between images 1 and 2. [[][]] Some text between images 2 and 3. Some trailing text. #+end_src You do indeed get b.png in the output, but the exporter doesn't regard the image as standalone, so it doesn't get put in a
(or, in HTML5 mode,
) like the others, and if you add a #+CAPTION, no caption will be included. The attached patch to master shows how this can be fixed, but I hesitate to recommend applying it because two new bugs are immediately apparent: 1. Figure numbers are screwed up. If you add #+CAPTIONs to each image in the above file, the figure numbers go Figure 1, Figure 3, Figure 4. 2. The ... gets wrapped around the whole
, not just the . This breaks markup validity (
isn't allowed in ) and makes the caption, if you have one, into a giant hyperlink. I think I'm going to stop working on this issue for now, but at least what I've done could be helpful for anybody else who wants to go further down the rabbit hole. P.S. I sent a request for a copyright-assignment form earlier today.