I am chiming in a little late here, but... Try out Todochiku, which is a notifications package I wrote for emacs: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ToDoChiKu It works with appt (and thus with org mode) and it is compatible across different notification programs (and OS). It has a customization option todochiku-appts that will set up a growl notifier as your appt-display-function. Enjoy. -----Original Message----- From: emacs-orgmode-bounces+jonathana=criticalmass.com@gnu.org [mailto:emacs-orgmode-bounces+jonathana=criticalmass.com@gnu.org] On Behalf Of Rick Moynihan Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 4:26 AM To: Alex Ott Cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org Subject: Re: [Orgmode] MacOSX: Notifications with Growl Alex Ott wrote: > Hi all > > I wrote small note about show notifications with Growl under Mac OS X. > This could be useful when using org-mode. Note is could be found on my site > http://xtalk.msk.su/~ott/en/writings/EmacsMacOSXAndGrowl.html Thanks for this, this'll prove handy at work. I took the liberty of simplifying the elisp a little. This version doesn't create a temporary file, and instead uses a shell HEREDOC. (defun output-to-growl (msg) (shell-command (format "osascript <