I have file with a large number of SRC blocks, the output of which I want to wrap as SRC (so I can use the listings package to format them distinctly). The easiest way to do this is to make :wrap a global property. Unfortunately, there are also a couple of places where I want to turn off the wrapping, especially where I include source in-line. For example, this: #+PROPERTY: wrap SRC fundamental #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp "This output comes from emacs." #+END_SRC This in-line src_emacs-lisp[:results value]{"block"} is wrapped. produces: ,---- | "This output comes from emacs." `---- This in-line #+BEGIN_SRC fundamental block#+END_SRC is wrapped. If I pass an empty :wrap in the in-line block, the result is still wrapped, but as RESULTS instead of source. The attached patch attempts to change this behaviour. Does anyone else find this desirable? Is this patch a good way to do it? Kind Regards, Mike