
I have a problem exporting my file.org into file.tex.
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper,oneside]
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[frenchb]{babel} \pagestyle{empty}   
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[style=verbose-trad2]{biblatex} \bibliography{/home/nicopro/Documents/INFORMATIQUE/TEX/texmf/tex/latex/THESE/BIBLIOGRAPHIE/biblio.bib}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \frenchbsetup{StandardLists=true} \renewcommand\labelitemi{\textbullet} \renewcommand\labelitemiii{\diamond} \renewcommand\labelitemii{\circ}
** Vie politique et économique [fn::\cite{CARCERI2001}]
*** Organisation administrative

The result of my file.tex in Example 1:
\chapter{Vie politique et économique \protect\footnote{\cite{CARCERI2001}}

\section{Organisation administrative}

Then, I compile my file.tex with pdflatex: see result1 in the attached-file.

I observe, that rectifying the Example 1 like this, works well. Example 2:
\chapter{Vie politique et économique \protect\footnote{\cite{CARCERI2001}}}
See result2 in the attached file.

What should I do in my file.org to obtain the same as my example 2?

Thank you for your help.
