Using org-babel, I'm wanting to output Python fragments along with the resultant output to HTML.

That bit's easy, and the following works as expected:
#+options: toc:nil num:nil
* Using Python interactively
Any commands typed into the console executed immediately.

#+begin_src python :results output :exports both
print 355/113

print 17/2
print 17/2.0
#+end_src python

However, although I find references to various styling mechanisms (e.g pre.src) in the orgmode documentation, I can't find any way to get any more CSS selectors on both the src and output blocks. The only one that ever appears is "example" as shown here:
<pre class="example">print 355/113
print 17/2
print 17/2.0
<pre class="example">
If I can find out how to make "pre.src" appear (hopefully only on the source block) , then I can change the background colours or fonts to make the output visibly distinct from the source code.

The full HTML output I get is at contains lots of CSS selectors, and I can easily include my my own using #+STYLE lines, but I need some way to differentiate the two blocks.

I'm using Emacs and the lastest orgmode  commit b5082974c83a3a4838db86025edce857b11e5847 (Fri Feb 3 15:18:05 2012 +0100)

Any tips?

Dr Giovanni Moretti | School of Engineering and Advanced Technology
Senior Lecturer     | Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Computer Science    | Ph +64-6-3505799x2474  Fax +64-6-3502259 - ZL2GX 