Am 18.10.2010 20:16, schrieb David Maus: > At Mon, 18 Oct 2010 13:54:30 +0200, > Andreas Röhler wrote: >> >> same here unfortunatly. >> load-path displays the git-org repo, org-mode is loaded from there. >> >> (require 'org-macs) is present there but >> org-string-nw-p still unknown. >> > > The only explanation that makes sense to me is a mixup of old and new > Org files: org-string-nw-p is a regular function and org-macs is > required by org.el > > It was added Tue Jul 20 07:54:11 2010 +0200 -- do you have a function: > > org-not-nil > (C-h f org-not-nil RET) > > and, say, org-plist-delete > (C-h f org-plist-delete RET) Both a not known, while org-mode from the very file is, see screenshot. loading the git-version mode I use the following: (defun org-mode-einrichtungen () (interactive) ;; (unload-feature 'org-mode) (add-to-list 'load-path "~/org-mode/lisp/") (load "~/org-mode/lisp/org.el")) Also I send the output of M-x describe-mode (there are some self-made functions, which didn't disturb other actions noticably) Thanks Andreas Enabled minor modes: Abbrev Auto-composition Auto-compression Auto-encryption Auto-image-file Blink-cursor File-name-shadow Font-lock Global-auto-composition Global-font-lock Iswitchb Line-number Menu-bar Mouse-wheel My-keys Pointback Savehist Show-paren Tooltip Transient-mark Yas/Global Yas/Minor (Information about these minor modes follows the major mode info.) Org mode: Outline-based notes management and organizer, alias "Carsten's outline-mode for keeping track of everything." Org-mode develops organizational tasks around a NOTES file which contains information about projects as plain text. Org-mode is implemented on top of outline-mode, which is ideal to keep the content of large files well structured. It supports ToDo items, deadlines and time stamps, which magically appear in the diary listing of the Emacs calendar. Tables are easily created with a built-in table editor. Plain text URL-like links connect to websites, emails (VM), Usenet messages (Gnus), BBDB entries, and any files related to the project. For printing and sharing of notes, an Org-mode file (or a part of it) can be exported as a structured ASCII or HTML file. The following commands are available: key binding --- ------- C-a org-beginning-of-line C-b zweizeilig C-c Prefix Command C-e org-end-of-line TAB org-cycle C-j org-return-indent C-k org-kill-line RET org-return C-y org-yank ESC Prefix Command | org-force-self-insert s-a ar-highlight-changes-mode-zuruecksetzen s-c Prefix Command s-f fill-buffer s-h highlight-changes-mode-zuruecksetzen s-o ar-word-atpt s-r an-fa-reg s-w an-fa-wort-ersetz C-# org-table-rotate-recalc-marks C-' org-cycle-agenda-files C-, org-cycle-agenda-files org-shiftcontrolleft org-insert-todo-heading-respect-content org-shiftcontrolright org-insert-heading-respect-content org-force-cycle-archived org-shiftmetadown org-shiftmetaleft org-insert-todo-heading org-shiftmetaright org-shiftmetaup org-metadown org-metaleft org-meta-return org-metaright org-complete org-metaup org-shiftdown org-shifttab org-shiftleft org-table-copy-down org-shiftright org-shifttab org-shiftup org-shifttab org-end-of-line org-beginning-of-line Prefix Command org-cycle org-delete-backward-char org-delete-char org-self-insert-command M-TAB org-complete M-RET org-insert-heading M-# zu-naechster-ueberschrift M-a org-backward-sentence M-e org-forward-sentence C-c C-a org-attach C-c C-b org-backward-same-level C-c C-c org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c C-c C-d org-deadline C-c C-e org-export C-c C-f org-forward-same-level C-c TAB show-children C-c C-j org-goto C-c C-k org-kill-note-or-show-branches C-c C-l org-insert-link C-c RET org-ctrl-c-ret C-c C-n outline-next-visible-heading C-c C-o org-open-at-point C-c C-p outline-previous-visible-heading C-c C-q org-set-tags-command C-c C-r org-reveal C-c C-s org-schedule C-c C-t org-todo C-c C-u outline-up-heading C-c C-v Prefix Command C-c C-w org-refile C-c C-x Prefix Command C-c C-y org-evaluate-time-range C-c C-z org-add-note C-c C-^ outline-move-subtree-up C-c SPC org-table-blank-field C-c ! org-time-stamp-inactive C-c # org-update-statistics-cookies C-c $ org-archive-subtree C-c % org-mark-ring-push C-c & org-mark-ring-goto (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c ' org-edit-special C-c * org-ctrl-c-star C-c + org-table-sum C-c , org-priority C-c - org-ctrl-c-minus C-c . org-time-stamp C-c / org-sparse-tree C-c : org-toggle-fixed-width-section C-c ; org-toggle-comment C-c < org-date-from-calendar C-c = org-table-eval-formula C-c > org-goto-calendar C-c ? org-table-field-info C-c @ outline-mark-subtree C-c [ org-agenda-file-to-front C-c \ org-match-sparse-tree C-c ] org-remove-file C-c ^ org-sort C-c ` org-table-edit-field C-c b fa-wort-beg-end C-c c fa-eval-ersetz C-c o fa-scann-korr C-c r fa-any-reg-ersetz C-c s fa-reg-ersetz C-c w fa-wort-ersetz C-c z fa-zeichen-ersetz C-c { org-table-toggle-formula-debugger C-c | org-table-create-or-convert-from-region C-c } org-table-toggle-coordinate-overlays C-c ~ org-table-create-with-table.el C-c C-* org-list-make-subtree C-c C-< outline-promote C-c C-> outline-demote C-c fa-reg-left-nonstrict C-c fa-wort-left-nonstrict C-c fa-wort-right-nonstrict C-c fa-reg-right-nonstrict C-c C-a show-all (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-b outline-backward-same-level (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-c hide-entry (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-d hide-subtree (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-e show-entry (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-f outline-forward-same-level (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-k show-branches (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-l hide-leaves (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c RET outline-insert-heading (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-o hide-other (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-q hide-sublevels (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-s show-subtree (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-t hide-body (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-v outline-move-subtree-down (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c + zu-naechster-ueberschrift (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) s-c b an-fa-reg-beg-end-ersetzliste M-TAB ispell-complete-word (that binding is currently shadowed by another mode) C-c C-v C-a org-babel-sha1-hash C-c C-v C-b org-babel-execute-buffer C-c C-v C-d org-babel-demarcate-block C-c C-v C-e org-babel-execute-maybe C-c C-v C-f org-babel-tangle-file C-c C-v TAB org-babel-lob-ingest C-c C-v C-l org-babel-load-in-session C-c C-v C-n org-babel-next-src-block C-c C-v C-o org-babel-open-src-block-result C-c C-v C-p org-babel-previous-src-block C-c C-v C-r org-babel-goto-named-result C-c C-v C-s org-babel-execute-subtree C-c C-v C-t org-babel-tangle C-c C-v C-u org-babel-goto-src-block-head C-c C-v C-v org-babel-expand-src-block C-c C-v C-x org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer C-c C-v C-z org-babel-switch-to-session C-c C-v a org-babel-sha1-hash C-c C-v b org-babel-execute-buffer C-c C-v d org-babel-demarcate-block C-c C-v e org-babel-execute-maybe C-c C-v f org-babel-tangle-file C-c C-v g org-babel-goto-named-src-block C-c C-v h org-babel-describe-bindings C-c C-v i org-babel-lob-ingest C-c C-v l org-babel-load-in-session C-c C-v n org-babel-next-src-block C-c C-v o org-babel-open-src-block-result C-c C-v p org-babel-previous-src-block C-c C-v r org-babel-goto-named-result C-c C-v s org-babel-execute-subtree C-c C-v t org-babel-tangle C-c C-v u org-babel-goto-src-block-head C-c C-v v org-babel-expand-src-block C-c C-v x org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer C-c C-v z org-babel-switch-to-session-with-code C-c C-x C-a org-archive-subtree-default C-c C-x C-b org-toggle-checkbox C-c C-x C-c org-columns C-c C-x C-d org-clock-display C-c C-x C-f org-emphasize C-c C-x TAB org-clock-in C-c C-x C-j org-clock-goto C-c C-x C-k org-mark-entry-for-agenda-action C-c C-x C-l org-preview-latex-fragment C-c C-x RET Prefix Command C-c C-x C-n org-next-link C-c C-x C-o org-clock-out C-c C-x C-p org-previous-link C-c C-x C-r org-clock-report C-c C-x C-s org-advertized-archive-subtree C-c C-x C-t org-toggle-time-stamp-overlays C-c C-x C-u org-dblock-update C-c C-x C-v org-toggle-inline-images C-c C-x C-w org-cut-special C-c C-x C-x org-clock-cancel C-c C-x C-y org-paste-special C-c C-x ESC Prefix Command C-c C-x ! org-reload C-c C-x , org-timer-pause-or-continue C-c C-x - org-timer-item C-c C-x . org-timer C-c C-x 0 org-timer-start C-c C-x : org-timer-cancel-timer C-c C-x ; org-timer-set-timer C-c C-x < org-agenda-set-restriction-lock C-c C-x > org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock C-c C-x A org-archive-to-archive-sibling C-c C-x G org-feed-goto-inbox C-c C-x [ org-reftex-citation C-c C-x \ org-toggle-pretty-entities C-c C-x _ org-timer-stop C-c C-x a org-toggle-archive-tag C-c C-x b org-tree-to-indirect-buffer C-c C-x c org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift C-c C-x e org-set-effort C-c C-x f org-footnote-action C-c C-x g org-feed-update-all C-c C-x i org-insert-columns-dblock C-c C-x o org-toggle-ordered-property C-c C-x p org-set-property C-c C-x M-w org-copy-special C-c C-x RET g org-mobile-pull C-c C-x RET p org-mobile-push In addition to any hooks its parent mode `outline-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `org-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization. Abbrev minor mode (indicator Abbrev): Toggle Abbrev mode in the current buffer. With optional argument ARG, turn abbrev mode on if ARG is positive, otherwise turn it off. In Abbrev mode, inserting an abbreviation causes it to expand and be replaced by its expansion. Auto-composition minor mode (no indicator): Toggle Auto Composition mode. With ARG, turn Auto Composition mode off if and only if ARG is a non-positive number; if ARG is nil, toggle Auto Composition mode; anything else turns Auto Composition on. When Auto Composition is enabled, text characters are automatically composed by functions registered in `composition-function-table' (which see). You can use `global-auto-composition-mode' to turn on Auto Composition mode in all buffers (this is the default). Auto-compression minor mode (no indicator): Toggle automatic file compression and uncompression. With prefix argument ARG, turn auto compression on if positive, else off. Return the new status of auto compression (non-nil means on). Auto-encryption minor mode (no indicator): Toggle automatic file encryption and decryption. With prefix argument ARG, turn auto encryption on if positive, else off. Return the new status of auto encryption (non-nil means on). Auto-image-file minor mode (no indicator): Toggle visiting of image files as images. With prefix argument ARG, turn on if positive, otherwise off. Returns non-nil if the new state is enabled. Image files are those whose name has an extension in `image-file-name-extensions', or matches a regexp in `image-file-name-regexps'. (fn &optional ARG) Blink-cursor minor mode (no indicator): Toggle blinking cursor mode. With a numeric argument, turn blinking cursor mode on if ARG is positive, otherwise turn it off. When blinking cursor mode is enabled, the cursor of the selected window blinks. Note that this command is effective only when Emacs displays through a window system, because then Emacs does its own cursor display. On a text-only terminal, this is not implemented. File-name-shadow minor mode (no indicator): Toggle File-Name Shadow mode. When active, any part of a filename being read in the minibuffer that would be ignored (because the result is passed through `substitute-in-file-name') is given the properties in `file-name-shadow-properties', which can be used to make that portion dim, invisible, or otherwise less visually noticeable. With prefix argument ARG, turn on if positive, otherwise off. Returns non-nil if the new state is enabled. Font-lock minor mode (no indicator): Toggle Font Lock mode. With arg, turn Font Lock mode off if and only if arg is a non-positive number; if arg is nil, toggle Font Lock mode; anything else turns Font Lock on. (Font Lock is also known as "syntax highlighting".) When Font Lock mode is enabled, text is fontified as you type it: - Comments are displayed in `font-lock-comment-face'; - Strings are displayed in `font-lock-string-face'; - Certain other expressions are displayed in other faces according to the value of the variable `font-lock-keywords'. To customize the faces (colors, fonts, etc.) used by Font Lock for fontifying different parts of buffer text, use M-x customize-face. You can enable Font Lock mode in any major mode automatically by turning on in the major mode's hook. For example, put in your ~/.emacs: (add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) Alternatively, you can use Global Font Lock mode to automagically turn on Font Lock mode in buffers whose major mode supports it and whose major mode is one of `font-lock-global-modes'. For example, put in your ~/.emacs: (global-font-lock-mode t) Where major modes support different levels of fontification, you can use the variable `font-lock-maximum-decoration' to specify which level you generally prefer. When you turn Font Lock mode on/off the buffer is fontified/defontified, though fontification occurs only if the buffer is less than `font-lock-maximum-size'. To add your own highlighting for some major mode, and modify the highlighting selected automatically via the variable `font-lock-maximum-decoration', you can use `font-lock-add-keywords'. To fontify a buffer, without turning on Font Lock mode and regardless of buffer size, you can use M-x font-lock-fontify-buffer. To fontify a block (the function or paragraph containing point, or a number of lines around point), perhaps because modification on the current line caused syntactic change on other lines, you can use M-x font-lock-fontify-block. See the variable `font-lock-defaults-alist' for the Font Lock mode default settings. You can set your own default settings for some mode, by setting a buffer local value for `font-lock-defaults', via its mode hook. The above is the default behavior of `font-lock-mode'; you may specify your own function which is called when `font-lock-mode' is toggled via `font-lock-function'. Global-auto-composition minor mode (no indicator): Toggle Auto-Composition mode in every possible buffer. With prefix ARG, turn Global-Auto-Composition mode on if and only if ARG is positive. Auto-Composition mode is enabled in all buffers where `turn-on-auto-composition-if-enabled' would do it. See `auto-composition-mode' for more information on Auto-Composition mode. Global-font-lock minor mode (no indicator): Toggle Font-Lock mode in every possible buffer. With prefix ARG, turn Global-Font-Lock mode on if and only if ARG is positive. Font-Lock mode is enabled in all buffers where `turn-on-font-lock-if-desired' would do it. See `font-lock-mode' for more information on Font-Lock mode. Iswitchb minor mode (no indicator): Toggle Iswitchb global minor mode. With arg, turn Iswitchb mode on if ARG is positive, otherwise turn it off. This mode enables switching between buffers using substrings. See `iswitchb' for details. (fn &optional ARG) Line-number minor mode (no indicator): Toggle Line Number mode. With ARG, turn Line Number mode on if ARG is positive, otherwise turn it off. When Line Number mode is enabled, the line number appears in the mode line. Line numbers do not appear for very large buffers and buffers with very long lines; see variables `line-number-display-limit' and `line-number-display-limit-width'. Menu-bar minor mode (no indicator): Toggle display of a menu bar on each frame. This command applies to all frames that exist and frames to be created in the future. With a numeric argument, if the argument is positive, turn on menu bars; otherwise, turn off menu bars. Mouse-wheel minor mode (no indicator): Toggle mouse wheel support. With prefix argument ARG, turn on if positive, otherwise off. Return non-nil if the new state is enabled. (fn &optional ARG) My-keys minor mode (indicator m): A minor mode so that my key settings override annoying major modes. Pointback minor mode (no indicator): Restore previous window point when switching back to a buffer. Savehist minor mode (no indicator): Toggle savehist-mode. Positive ARG turns on `savehist-mode'. When on, savehist-mode causes minibuffer history to be saved periodically and when exiting Emacs. When turned on for the first time in an Emacs session, it causes the previous minibuffer history to be loaded from `savehist-file'. This mode should normally be turned on from your Emacs init file. Calling it at any other time replaces your current minibuffer histories, which is probably undesirable. (fn ARG) Show-paren minor mode (no indicator): Toggle Show Paren mode. With prefix ARG, turn Show Paren mode on if and only if ARG is positive. Returns the new status of Show Paren mode (non-nil means on). When Show Paren mode is enabled, any matching parenthesis is highlighted in `show-paren-style' after `show-paren-delay' seconds of Emacs idle time. (fn &optional ARG) Tooltip minor mode (no indicator): Toggle Tooltip mode. With ARG, turn Tooltip mode on if and only if ARG is positive. When this minor mode is enabled, Emacs displays help text in a pop-up window for buttons and menu items that you put the mouse on. (However, if `tooltip-use-echo-area' is non-nil, this and all pop-up help appears in the echo area.) When Tooltip mode is disabled, Emacs displays one line of the help text in the echo area, and does not make a pop-up window. Transient-mark minor mode (no indicator): Toggle Transient Mark mode. With ARG, turn Transient Mark mode on if ARG is positive, off otherwise. In Transient Mark mode, when the mark is active, the region is highlighted. Changing the buffer "deactivates" the mark. So do certain other operations that set the mark but whose main purpose is something else--for example, incremental search, <, and >. You can also deactivate the mark by typing C-g or M-ESC ESC. Many commands change their behavior when Transient Mark mode is in effect and the mark is active, by acting on the region instead of their usual default part of the buffer's text. Examples of such commands include M-;, M-x flush-lines, M-x keep-lines, M-%, , M-x ispell, and C-_. Invoke C-h d and type "transient" or "mark.*active" at the prompt, to see the documentation of commands which are sensitive to the Transient Mark mode. Yas/Global minor mode (no indicator): Toggle Yas/Minor mode in every possible buffer. With prefix ARG, turn Yas/Global mode on if and only if ARG is positive. Yas/Minor mode is enabled in all buffers where `yas/minor-mode-on' would do it. See `yas/minor-mode' for more information on Yas/Minor mode. Yas/Minor minor mode (indicator yas): Toggle YASnippet mode. When YASnippet mode is enabled, the `tas/trigger-key' key expands snippets of code depending on the mode. With no argument, this command toggles the mode. positive prefix argument turns on the mode. Negative prefix argument turns off the mode. You can customize the key through `yas/trigger-key'. Key bindings: key binding --- ------- C-c Prefix Command C-c & Prefix Command C-c & C-f yas/find-snippets C-c & C-n yas/new-snippet C-c & C-s yas/insert-snippet C-c & C-v yas/visit-snippet-file [back] > > If so, the help shows the file where the function is defined. Can you > verify that this is the file in the clone of the git repository? Attach a sreenshot, as I would not believe it myself. Also if I ask for the buffers file, it shows the correct file in git-repo at my home-dir: /home/MY_USERNAME/org-mode/lisp/org.el > > Best, > -- David >