Hello all-- I've been using the babel integration with Lua and it has a bug worth noting--multi-line header argument variables that are tangled to a file will be tangled in a way lua doesn't interpret correctly.  To use a specific example: #+NAME: csvdata#+BEGIN_EXAMPLEx,y,z,zz1,2,3,"hi"4,5,6,"hi,hi"7,8,9,"hi,hi,hi"#+END_EXAMPLE #+BEGIN_SRC lua :var csv=csvdata :tangle test.lua print(csv)#+END_SRC tangles to the (python default?) following: csv="""x,y,z,zz 1,2,3,\"hi\" 4,5,6,\"hi,hi\" 7,8,9,\"hi,hi,hi\" """ print(csv) which Lua won't parse.  It would parse the following however: csv=[=[x,y,z,zz 1,2,3,\"hi\" 4,5,6,\"hi,hi\" 7,8,9,\"hi,hi,hi\" ]=] print(csv) Furthermore, it will also remove the need to escape the internal double quote characters so you could have even cleaner output: csv=[=[x,y,z,zz 1,2,3,"hi" 4,5,6,"hi,hi" 7,8,9,"hi,hi,hi" ]=] The following trivial patch resolves it and tangles to a file that Lua can evaluate: csv=[=[x,y,z,zz 1,2,3,"hi" 4,5,6,"hi,hig" 7,8,9,"hi,hi,hi" ]=] print(csv) diff --git a/lisp/ob-lua.el b/lisp/ob-lua.elindex 442ea568b..4625b3202 100644--- a/lisp/ob-lua.el+++ b/lisp/ob-lua.el@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ specifying a variable of the same value."     (if (eq var 'hline)         org-babel-lua-hline-to       (format-       (if (and (stringp var) (string-match "[\n\r]" var)) "\"\"%S\"\"" "%S")+       (if (and (stringp var) (string-match "[\n\r]" var)) "[=[%s]=]" "%S")        (if (stringp var) (substring-no-properties var) var)))))  (defun org-babel-lua-table-or-string (results) Thx. --Brad