Hi, Here is a small test.org file that uses shrink to reduce the size of the slides: ------------------- * Shrink + Link broken :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_OPT: shrink=10 :END: ** Block1 with links + Some text [[https://www.google.com][Link1]] + \small [[https://www.microsoft.com][Link2]] + A very long text before the link [[https://mail.google.com][Link3]] text text ** Block2 with links + Test [[https://www.yopmail.com][Link4]] + [[https://test.it][Link5]] * Test2 :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_OPT: shrink=60 :END: ** Block1 with links + Some text [[https://www.google.com][Link1]] + \small [[https://www.microsoft.com][Link2]] + A very long text before the link [[https://mail.google.com][Link3]] text text ** Block2 with links + Test [[https://www.yopmail.com][Link4]] + [[https://test.it][Link5]] ------------------- If you run 'org-beamer-export-to-pdf' on this file, you'll get a PDF where the clickable area for the link is most of the time way out of the text for the link... I've search the web, no mention of that. Cheers GM