Hi, How do I export a beamer presentation, embedded as a subtree in an org file? I have attached a file with subtree properties defined as described on the worg page - http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-beamer.php. I expected 'C-c C-e 1 d' to do it, but the export is a article documentclass, and is the entire document rather than just the subtree. If I cut and paste the subtree to a separate file, and define the export settings for beamer at the top of the file, I get the expected results (documentclass[presentation]{beamer} (using C-c C-e d, since I am now have the entire file, rather than a subtree). I'm not sure if I have the properties defined improperly, or if I'm not using the right command to export the subtree. (Using 6.33trans, updated from git this morning.) Thanks, Jerry