The default capture template didn't work for me:

        *"Default template"*
        (file+headline *"~/org/"* *"Notes"*)
        *"* %^{Title}\n\n  Source: %u, %c\n\n  %i"*
        *:empty-lines* 1)

There are some asterisks which do not belong there. Probably it helps to remove them.
Otherwise it’s similar to the template I’m using.

The %u and %c bits got replaced by the actual link code (i.e.,
javascript:...). The following works as I wanted:

   ("w" "Default capture " entry
     (file "~/org/")
     "* %^{Title}
   Source: [[%:link][%:description]]
   %:initial" :empty-lines 1)

It it works then it’s fine :)

Kind regards