Hi Everyone, First I want to thank all the people that make Org-Mode possible. I have been using it almost 8 months and it is a life changer. Every week I add something new to my workflow thanks to Org-Mode capabilities. My setup can be found in github[1] if anyone is interested in in. I hope to document it soon. I was wondering if there is a way to make a clock table to show only entries with an specify a property or tag. I think it could be useful, for example, I have to give support to some users (e.g support on application servers and support on custom software libraries) which can be in different projects. I want to check how much time I have spent providing support no matter what project It is related to. So I could use a tag (i.e "support") and generate a clock report showing the time spentn in all the entries tagged with "support". Thanks in advance for your help :-) [1] http://github.com/mfcabrera/dotemacs/ -> (file orgy.el) -- Miguel Fernando Cabrera http://mfcabrera.com "A los hombres fuertes les pasa lo que a los barriletes; se elevan cuando es mayor el viento que se opone a su ascenso." - José Ingenieros