
Work around or ugly kludge, or not, this is great to see it can be got around.

Many thanks.


On 25/01/07, David Emery <dave@skiddlydee.com> wrote:
On Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 10:44:11 +0000, "Graham Smith" < myotisone@gmail.com> wrote:
To access Fleck I want to insert the following code at the top of  the Emacs document before publishing to HTML
> <!-- Start of Fleck WebWidget Code -->
> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src=" http://webwidget.fleck.com/?v=small_image"></script>
> <!-- End of Fleck WebWidget Code -->
> But I can't work out how to do this

I've noticed a workaround (or do I mean ugly kludge?) for this:

#+TEXT: @<script type="text/javascript" src=" http://webwidget.fleck.com">@</script>

The #+TEXT part prevents the URL from being converted to a link, which in turn
allows the "@"s to work properly and escape the tags.
