Hi, everyone, I am using org-plus-contrib/ox-bibtex.el to combine bibtex output in html and latex. When I use a same x.bib like: #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: x unsrturl it works well But if I use a x.bib at different path and the src like: #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: /home/name/dropbox/x unsrturl or #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: $HOME/dropbox/x unsrturl it shows "Executing bibtex2html failed" As the link show: http://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/3375/loading-bibtex-file-in-org-mode-file , we shoud hack the ox-bibtex.el and change the TMPDIR. Is anyone have a hacked ox-bibtex.el or any idea to the problem? I am using the emacs24.4.1 under ubuntu 14.04, the org-mode version is 8.2.10