I use org mode for code review quite a bit. It's awesome to be able to throw snippets of code in a doc and be able to verify fixes within the doc. I noticed there's no PHP mode (and totally understand why seeing as how "literate programming" is a keyword ;) so I wrote one. Elsip isn't exactly a language I hit a lot, so it might be pretty rough. I added the following files: lisp/ob-php.el testing/examples/ob-php-test.org testing/lisp/test-ob-php.el Unfortunately I wasn't able to run the test suite even against the clean pull... > Eager macro-expansion failure: (void-variable test-line) > Symbol's value as variable is void: test-line ... but I ran all tests by hand and they passed, so I'd be surprised if they didn't run in the suite. I also submitted an assignment contract request to the FSF. The patch is attached. It's against rev 2668d9e9cecce37d5598275fce380842f5a4a28c. Is there anything else I need to do to get this code included? Can someone review this?