#+STARTUP: overview #+PROPERTY: noweb yes #+PROPERTY: results silent #+BIND: org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil * Gnuplot source preamble :src: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: #+name: gnuplot-preamble #+begin_src gnuplot reset set terminal pdfcairo color size 21cm,14.8cm set termoption enhanced set encoding utf8 set termoption font "DejaVuSerif,8" # set output '|display png:-' set grid back set style line 1 linewidth 9 pointtype 1 linecolor rgb 'orange' set style line 2 pointsize 1 pointtype 5 linecolor rgb 'forest-green' set style line 3 pointsize 1 pointtype 7 linecolor rgb 'red' set style line 4 pointsize 1 pointtype 9 linecolor rgb 'blue' set style line 5 pointsize 1 pointtype 11 linecolor rgb 'dark-gray' set style line 6 pointsize 1 pointtype 13 linecolor rgb 'brown' set style line 7 linewidth 7 pointtype 19 linecolor rgb 'black' set style line 10 linewidth 2 linecolor rgb 'black' set style line 11 linewidth 5 linecolor rgb 'red' set key outside set key box linestyle 10 #+end_src * BF Upper Limit summary plots ** Gnuplot source :src: #+name: limits-preamble #+begin_src gnuplot set log y set format y "10^{%L}" set ylabel 'BF Upper Limit' set xtics nomirror rotate by 90 offset character 0,-3 #+end_src *** B⁺ → h⁻l⁺l⁺ / D⁻l⁺l⁺ :Bplus: #+begin_src gnuplot :noweb yes :var limits=Bpluslimits <> <> set xrange [0:8] set yrange [1E-14:1E-5] set label 'BF Upper Limits:' at graph 1.02,0.55 font ',10' set label ' B⁺ → h⁻l⁺l⁺' at graph 1.02,0.5 set label ' B⁺ → D⁽*⁾⁻l⁺l⁺' at graph 1.02,0.45 set label 'LHCb limits \@ 95% C.L.' at graph 1.02,0.37 font ',7' set label 'Other limits \@ 90% C.L.' at graph 1.02,0.33 font ',7' set xtics ("K⁻e⁺e⁺" 1, "K⁻μ⁺μ⁺" 2, "π⁻e⁺e⁺" 3, "π⁻μ⁺μ⁺" 4, "D⁻e⁺e⁺" 5, "D⁻μ⁺μ⁺" 6, "D*⁻μ⁺μ⁺" 7) set output "Bpluslimits.pdf" plot "$limits" using 1:2 title 'Theory' linestyle 1, \ "$limits" using 1:3 title 'BaBar' linestyle 2, \ "$limits" using 1:4 title 'Belle' linestyle 3, \ "$limits" using 1:5 title 'LHCb' linestyle 4, \ "$limits" using 1:6 title 'LHCb year-end' linestyle 5, \ "$limits" using 1:7 title 'LHCb upgrade' linestyle 6 # 1E-10 with lines linestyle 10 title '' # 3.1E-9 with lines linestyle 11 set output #+end_src *** D⁺ → h⁻l⁺l⁺ / Dₛ⁺ → h⁻l⁺l⁺ :Dplus: #+begin_src gnuplot :noweb yes :var limits=Dpluslimits <> <> set xrange [0:7] set yrange [1E-10:1E-5] set label 'BF Upper Limits:' at graph 0.7,0.55 font ',10' set label ' D⁺ → π⁻l⁺l⁺' at graph 0.7,0.5 set label ' Dₛ⁺ → h⁻l⁺l⁺' at graph 0.7,0.45 set label 'All limits \@ 90% C.L.' at graph 0.7,0.37 font ',7' set xtics nomirror rotate by 90 offset character 0,-5 set xtics ("D⁺→π⁻e⁺e⁺" 1, "D⁺→π⁻μ⁺μ⁺" 2, "Dₛ⁺→π⁻e⁺e⁺" 3, "Dₛ⁺→π⁻μ⁺μ⁺" 4, "Dₛ⁺→K⁻e⁺e⁺" 5, "Dₛ⁺→K⁻μ⁺μ⁺" 6) set output "Dpluslimits.pdf" plot "$limits" using 1:2 title 'Theory' linestyle 1, \ "$limits" using 1:3 title 'BaBar' linestyle 2, \ "$limits" using 1:4 title 'SuperB' linestyle 7 # 1E-10 with lines linestyle 10 title '' # 3.1E-9 with lines linestyle 11 set output #+end_src ** Tables :tbl: *** B⁺ → h⁻l⁺l⁺ / D⁻l⁺l⁺ :Bplus: #+tblname: Bpluslimits | | Theory | BaBar | Belle | LHCb | LHCb | LHCb | | | | | | | (95% C.L.) | year-end | upgrade | | |---+---------+---------+--------+------------+----------+---------+-----------------------------| | 1 | 3.6E-14 | 3.0E-8 | | | | | \(B^+ \to K^-e^+e^+\) | | 2 | 3.6E-14 | 6.7E-8 | | 5.4E-8 | 6.5E-9 | 1.1E-9 | \(B^+ \to K^-\mu^+\mu^+\) | | 3 | 6.3E-13 | 2.3E-8 | | | | | \(B^+ \to \pi^-e^+e^+\) | | 4 | 6.3E-13 | 10.7E-8 | | 5.8E-8 | 7.0E-9 | 1.1E-9 | \(B^+ \to \pi^-\mu^+\mu^+\) | | 5 | 1.7E-14 | | 2.6E-6 | | | | \(B^+ \to D^-e^+e^+\) | | 6 | 1.7E-14 | | 1.1E-6 | 6.9E-7 | 2.8E-7 | 4.5E-8 | \(B^+ \to D^-\mu^+\mu^+\) | | 7 | | | | 2.4E-6 | 9.6E-7 | 1.6E-7 | \(B^+ \to D*^-\mu^+\mu^+\) | #+tblfm: $1=(@#-2) *** D⁺ → h⁻l⁺l⁺ / Dₛ⁺ → h⁻l⁺l⁺ :Dplus: #+tblname: Dpluslimits | | Theory | BaBar | SuperB | | |---+---------+--------+--------+-------------------------------| | 1 | 4.5E-10 | 1.9E-6 | 1E-8 | \(D^+ \to \pi^-e^+e^+\) | | 2 | 4.5E-10 | 2.0E-6 | 1E-8 | \(D^+ \to \pi^-\mu^+\mu^+\) | | 3 | 6.9E-9 | 4.1E-6 | | \(D^+_s \to \pi^-e^+e^+\) | | 4 | 6.9E-9 | 1.4E-5 | | \(D^+_s \to \pi^-\mu^+\mu^+\) | | 5 | 2.2E-10 | 5.2E-6 | | \(D^+_s \to K^-e^+e^+\) | | 6 | 2.2E-10 | 1.3E-5 | | \(D^+_s \to K^-\mu^+\mu^+\) | #+tblfm: $1=(@#-1) * COMMENT local setup # Local Variables: # org-export-allow-BIND: t # End: