Hi, is it possible to export an org file from the command line, so that a currently running Emacs instance is not disturbed? I want to export the attached org file and run the included source blocks, so I have an activity report in the end. I use the shell script pasted below, but there are two problems: - my Emacs instance is blocked during the execution of the shell scripts contained in the file - the script globally sets org-confirm-babel-evaluate to nil for my Emacs instance The second problem could possibly be solved with a local file variable. But the first problem remains. If I use emacs instead of emacsclient, it complains about a running Emacs instance. #!/bin/sh emacsclient -c \ --eval "(progn (find-file \"macports.org\")) (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil) (org-export-as-html 3) (kill-buffer) (delete-frame))" I'm using Org-Mode 7.7. Cheers, Viktor