#+TITLE: LHC ring #+AUTHOR: #+DATE: #+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil * The LHC ring \autoref{fig:aerial} shows an aerial view of Geneva with the LHC ring marked in white. #+CAPTION: An aerial view of Geneva. The white circle is drawn to depict the LHC ring \cite[slide 5]{LPCC}. #+LABEL: fig:aerial #+ATTR_LaTeX: width=0.7\textwidth [[file:aerial.jpg]] * Dimensions It is about 50 to 175 metres underground at places and has a diameter of 27 Km. \begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{LPCC} Redaelli Stefano, The operation of the LHC accelerator complex (2/2). The operation of the LHC accelerator complex (2/2). \end{thebibliography}