Hi, I guess it all started with the FLOSS podcast done by Carsten Dominik. Thanks for that. It was the first time I heard about Org-mode. Herbert Sitz announced a first implementation last year (http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/33226). As far as I can tell a lot of people got attracted and are following the development at github. Around the same time I started implementing Org-mode for vim as well, without knowing about Herbert's implementation. In essence, it's aiming at the same goal. A bigger difference though is the implementation language - it's Python, not VimL and I built it to be easily extendable. Apart from that, vim-orgmode integrates well with other Vim plugins like taglist and repeat. If you are interested, you can access the code at https://github.com/jceb/vim-orgmode or send an e-mail if you have any further questions. Greetings, Jan Christoph -- Jan Christoph Ebersbach But by the grace of God I am what I am. 1. Cor 15,10