Carsten Dominik schrieb: > You mean the file is empty only if you set orv-icalendar-verify- > function???? Yes, exactly. When org-icalendar-verify-function is not bound, I get the normal entries in the icalendar file, if I set it to the function you gave me, it's empty. This may be related to other parts of my setup. '(org-icalendar-categories (quote (all-tags category todo-state))) '(org-icalendar-include-body 1000) '(org-icalendar-include-sexps nil) '(org-icalendar-include-todo nil) '(org-icalendar-store-UID t) '(org-icalendar-timezone "Europe/Berlin") '(org-icalendar-use-deadline (quote (event-if-not-todo event-if-todo))) '(org-icalendar-use-plain-timestamp nil) '(org-icalendar-use-scheduled (quote (event-if-not-todo event-if-todo))) Anything else that might be relevant? -- Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs TauPan on Ircnet and Freenode ;)